[2016-02-27 19:32] Philipp Takacs <phil...@bureaucracy.de>
> Before the last release we have talked about a bunch of bugs and
> features we wanted work on after the release. I have collocated
> this ideas, so if you don't know what to do, you could look at
> this issues. I also have add some other features I have in mind.

Thanks a lot for this list!

I added my opinion and one further topic:

> - Test m_getfld2
>     The new m_getfld2 should be tested on productive systems.
>     I have run the tests with musllibc and testing at the moment
>     on my Desktop (FreeBSD).

That's the main reason for the next release.

> - rfc2047 decode
>     in most cases this is done automatic, but some are missing
>     like replgroupcomps

Should be part of it.

> - rfc2047 base64
>     Should be ported from nmh

Lower priority but would be nice.

> - mh_xfree/mh_xcalloc
>     It would be nice if we use only mh_xcalloc() instand of
>     mh_xmalloc. A funktion mh_xfree(void **) would also a
>     good idea.

If we find the time.

> - refile
>     -src should not change folder to the src-folder the problem
>     here is the Prevous-Sequence.

Would be nice.

> - buildsystem
>     It would be nice if could get ride of autoconf. A buildsystem
>     only with make (like suckless) would be nice.

After the next release.

> - address-parser
>     It also need some cleanup, maybe a rewrite in lex

After the next release.

> - version string
>     the date in the version string is set at build time of config/version.c
>     but if libmh.a or a tool of uip is build later this doesn't change

Would be nice.

- repl quotation
    Remove ``part'' line. Check corner-cases.

Would be really nice to have it cleaned up a bit more, because the
feature itself is considered release-justifying by users (Dimitry).


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