Thanks for the fast answer! Sadly, it did not work; the same error 
continues. I tried deleting config.db,, and even the whole 
~/.config folder. Nothing worked. Any other ideas? :) Thanks! 

On Thursday, May 30, 2019 at 3:47:19 PM UTC-3, Peter Bienstman wrote:
> Just deleting the config.db file should probably be enough.
> Cheers,
> Peter
> On Thursday, 30 May 2019 19:32:17 UTC+2, <javascript:> 
> wrote:
>> I have backed up the folder in home/.config and the two folders in 
>> home/.local and changed from Ubuntu 18.04 to Mint 19.1. My cards and 
>> statistics are fine, but I cannot browse my cards. The following error 
>> appears. 
>> --------------------------------- 
>> An unexpected error has occurred. 
>> Please forward the following info to the developers: 
>> Traceback (innermost last): 
>>   File 
>> "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/mnemosyne/pyqt_ui/", 
>> line 263, in paint 
>>     style.subElementRect(QtWidgets.QStyle.SE_ItemViewItemText, option) 
>>  TypeError: subElementRect(self, QStyle.SubElement, QStyleOption, 
>> QWidget): not enough arguments 
>> --------------------------------- 
>> The error does not appear in case I delete my backed up files and start 
>> Mnemosyne afresh. Python 3 is up to date and I do not believe that I have 
>> messed with some OS configuration. Every time I attempt to browse my cards, 
>> I fail and I can only close Mnemosyne by using 'xkill' in the command 
>> prompt.

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