> The error message refers to opening the database, but your email implies 
> the database is already open. Do you know which API call this error is 
> returned from? And is anything being logged before this error?
> This isn’t the error I’d expect when the filesystem is locked. In 1.4 and 
> 1.4.1, Pasin and I added code to detect those filesystem/SQLite errors and 
> return appropriate CBL errors (I think it’s 401.)

This error happened before the application was launched. It was launched 
via the sendMessage call on the Apple Watch app.

So the error was from the following code:

NSError *error = nil;

CBLDatabaseOptions *options = [[CBLDatabaseOptions alloc] init];

// options.storageType = kCBLForestDBStorage;

// options.storageType = kCBLSQLiteStorage;

options.encryptionKey = self.encryptionKey;

options.create = YES;

BOOL databaseExists = [self.couchManager databaseExistsNamed:dbName];

self.couchDatabase = [self.couchManager openDatabaseNamed:dbName



if (error && error.code == 401) {

// database file is encrypted. Ask for a key.

self.isDatabaseEncrypted = YES;

self.documentIsLocked = YES;

} else if (error || !self.couchDatabase) {
NSLog(@"Error opening Tap Forms database: %@", error);

So it's that last NSLog that's being triggered to display that 400 error 

BUT, when I have the app opened and access the data from the watch, 
everything works ok. About 20 or so seconds after the phone is locked, even 
if the app was running, I start getting no data back from the app. So it 
seems after a little while the database can no longer be accessed.


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