Congratulations to the CBL team on the GA release of 2.0!

Unless I have missed it, nothing further has been said on the subject of 
this replication design flaw. Given Couchbase [Lite]'s reputation for data 
integrity, and considering the expectations of those planning to migrate 
from 1.x, I am surprised that there isn't any allusion or mention of this 
in the release notes or getting-started docs. (The latter even includes a 
list of “bugs” and “known issues” at the bottom; wouldn't this type of 
thing warrant an entry?)


On Wednesday, March 21, 2018 at 4:40:03 PM UTC-7, Traun Leyden wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 21, 2018 at 12:02 PM, Ben Kennedy < 
> <javascript:>> wrote:
>> > On Mar 21, 2018, at 10:55 AM, Traun Leyden < 
>> <javascript:>> wrote:
>> >
>> > You are correct in your assumptions that all conflict resolution in 2.0 
>> will be wallclock-based "last write wins", since there is no longer an API 
>> to plugin custom conflict resolvers.  (previous 2.0 beta versions did have 
>> this feature)
>> What prompted its removal?
> Sorry but I don't know the exact reason.  It may have been related to 
> assessing the testing/documentation effort.  
>> > Basically there appears to be a very small minority of users that will 
>> actually need to implement custom conflict resolvers based on their use 
>> case, and including this into the API raises the complexity quite a bit.
>> What sort of complexity?
> Maybe "surface area" is a better way to put it.  Any feature has to be 
> thoroughly tested and documented.  Rather than delay the release, sometimes 
> features need to be removed and postponed until (potential) future releases.
>> We're still building with DB021 at the moment (due to the need to target 
>> Sync Gateway 1.5 since we're not yet in a position to deploy SG beta to our 
>> server environment), but there it's been possible to register a conflict 
>> resolver with the replicator. I presume that if/when a conflicting rev 
>> comes down in a pull, the resolver would be called, and I could return an 
>> appropriate rev (be it A, B, or a new merged C).
>> Granted, our development on this app is still in early enough stages that 
>> we haven't gotten to the point of implementing or exercising conflict 
>> resolution logic yet, but the principle seemed straightforward. I wonder 
>> what I'm missing.
> I don't think you're missing anything, and yes the principle is 
> straightforward.  
>> > Also, if you are able to post details on your particular use case that 
>> highlights the need for custom conflict resolvers, that will help make a 
>> case for re-adding it.
>> Priya wrote me directly asking for a similar case, so I'll reiterate here 
>> the explanation I gave her, for the benefit of you and others:
>> Our application (iOS, Android, and web) services financial accounting for 
>> small-business customers. The main area under development is mobile capture 
>> and classification of financial documents (e.g. expense receipts, tax 
>> forms) both in the field and at a computer.
>> Typically, one or more users might be making different edits to a 
>> particular document at any given time. For example, a person might purchase 
>> some supplies at a shop and file the expense immediately from her phone. An 
>> hour later while at a coffee shop she might supplement the record with some 
>> more details (e.g. notes on items purchased). Meanwhile, in the interim or 
>> afterwards, a data-entry clerk might transcribe some fields from the 
>> attached image into well-formed data fields (e.g. price, date, invoice 
>> number). An accountant back at the office might start to act on the expense 
>> and enter it into the general ledger. A project manager might also 
>> concurrently assign some of the bought items to a project.
>> All of these actions would involve making changes (additions, edits, 
>> deletions) to a variety of fields in a particular Couchbase document that 
>> embodies the purchase.
>> In several of our document types, for auditing purposes, changes and 
>> additions made by various users are added to an "annotations" array. At any 
>> given time the app's business logic examines the array in order to create a 
>> current picture of the represented data. This array is expected to be 
>> appended to at random.
>> As you should now intuit, it is crucial that additions to the 
>> "annotations" array be coalesced from sibling revisions in the face of a 
>> conflict, rather than one particular set chosen at random.
>> Couchbase Lite is extremely well-suited to our application both for its 
>> use of non-structured documents and its offline performance. However, a 
>> lack of control over conflict resolution makes offline use dangerous and 
>> unreliable; even online use would become unpredictable if more than a 
>> single client expects to manipulate the same document (via SG).
> Ok thanks. If you have a hard requirement to keep the annotations together 
> in a single document, this seems like a perfectly reasonable case where 
> you'd need to merge the annotations w/ some custom business logic.
>> cheers,
>> -ben

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