I've responded.

On Thu, Mar 13, 2014 at 10:36 AM, Jon Robson <jdlrob...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Does anyone know the answer to this question on the extension talk
> page? If so could you reply?
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: MediaWiki Mail <w...@wikimedia.org>
> Date: Thu, Mar 13, 2014 at 9:35 AM
> Subject: MediaWiki discussion - New thread: X-Analytics/mobile tracking?
> To: Jdlrobson <jdlrob...@gmail.com>
> Hi Jdlrobson,
> this is a notification from MediaWiki that a new thread on Extension
> talk:MobileFrontend, 'X-Analytics/mobile tracking?',
> was created on 13 March 2014 at 16:35 by Kchurch05
> You can see it at
> <
> http://www.mediawiki.org/w/index.php?title=Extension_talk:MobileFrontend&offset=20140313163541&lqt_mustshow=40781#X-Analytics.2Fmobile_tracking.3F_40781
> >
> The text is:
> We're using Piwik and Google Analytics, and currently the only way we
> can determine whether a visitor used our wiki on a mobile device is
> via the browser model, since we don't have a mobile URL -- and even
> then it's not 100% accurate, since some people prefer to use the
> desktop version of the site instead of the mobile version.
> I did a search and saw
> [https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/X-Analytics this article] on
> [[Analytics/Kraken/Data Formats|X-Analytics]]. I'm not a MW expert so
> I'm not 100% clear on what X-A does, and from the code linked it seems
> to only track whether a user is in alpha or beta mode.
> We're currently running MW 1.21 so the X-Analytics doesn't seem to be
> included in that MobileFrontend version. Hopefully we'll upgrade ASAP,
> but I wanted to see if this was a way to get better data on mobile
> usage of our wiki.
> Thanks all!
> --
> Jon Robson
> * http://jonrobson.me.uk
> * https://www.facebook.com/jonrobson
> * @rakugojon
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