On Wed, Apr 15, 2015 at 11:16 AM, Jon Robson <jdlrob...@gmail.com> wrote:

> > I'm just troubled by some of the language used here, and elsewhere, which
> > describes a "fear" of more users. I can't help but wonder how many
> companies
> > or services would readily welcome a "massive influx of users."  How will
> > Wikipedia or Commons succeed if we're afraid growth?
> +1. How we change this culture is the holy grail of Wikimedia's
> future. Unless we change this, our project will die imo. I was really
> saddened to see mobile uploads disappear from web - we had a lot of
> spam yes but we also had people posting never before available photos
> of diseases [1]. Our communities reaction seems to be to push back on
> influxes of new edits which makes me feel we should be spending more
> time on moderation tools - but so far I don't see any hint that this
> will become a focus. This is a bigger problem than web and apps but so
> far we see this more than most... I think this is something we'd have
> to convince Lila is a good use of our time...

Lila is convinced it is a good use of time; that's why tools for community
needs was in the Call To Action. And that's why we announced the creation
of a Community Tech team yesterday (see wikimedia-l). Details and
prioritization are still to be fleshed out (they can't tackle everything at
once!) but moderation tools are definitely one of the things the team could


Luis Villa
Sr. Director of Community Engagement
Wikimedia Foundation
*Working towards a world in which every single human being can freely share
in the sum of all knowledge.*
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