Moving this discussion to mobile-l. Ori, are you on mobile-l?

Let's also be mindful to model (client side or router rate limiting is
easiest) realistic connection scenarios (i.e., 2G and 3G and clogged wifi
connections). Shaving off 3-4 seconds on fast connections makes a world of
difference, and so does shaving off 10-15 seconds on slow ones, for getting
the user to be able to interact with the page.


On Thu, Jun 25, 2015 at 5:10 AM, Joaquin Oltra Hernandez <> wrote:

> Hi,
> Ori Livneh, Sam Smith, Adam Basso and Joaquin Hernandez met to further
> talk about the performance work that's being scheduled for the following
> quarter.
> I've parsed my notes and written down what I've learned, and wanted to
> share them to create a shared understanding of how this planning is going.
> Not sure if this should go to other more public mailing lists at this
> stage, feel free to share wherever you think it should go.
>    - Don't brainstorm and blindly implement ideas. Usually any ideas we
>    can come up with will imply complex changes (like only loading the lead
>    section) but won't have the expected return.
>    - Measure and report, identify key metrics.
>    - Performance work is hard to measure (predict outcomes) beforehand,
>    you usually never know how it's going to unfold.
>    - Suggested workflow is: 1. Measure and analyze. 2. Formulate
>    hypothesis based on concrete data. 3. Implement hypothesis and goto 1.
>       - Seems like for being effective on accomplishing performance
>       goals, a continued effort through quarter will be needed (considering ^
>       previous point) instead of a laser focused half quarter effort.
>    - Broad first-sight insights:
>    - Server side time (only accountable if cache miss or logged in) is
>       negligible compared to other factors.
>       - Browser side performance is mobile's site biggest bottleneck.
>       Roughly half time (~2s) parsing script and (~3s) rendering.
>          - Looks like there's wins to be gained from optimizing on
>          browser performance.
>          - We need to research and communicate before hypothesizing.
>       - Tools:
>       - Besides Grafana dashboards using the graphite data we'll
>       coordinate with the Performance team to track other types of metrics 
> coming
>       from other tools like,
>       - for browser/front-end based performance reports.
>       - Maybe for tracking regressions.
>    - How to do it:
>       - Measure, establish baseline data.
>       - Plan hypothesis.
>       - Implement, local measuring. If good deploy.
>       - Measure with change deployed. Evaluate impact. Write down results.
>       - Go to 1 or 2.
> Going forward we'll be communicating and syncing regularly with the
> performance team on our data, hypothesis, plans and results to stay in sync
> and help each other. (Is there a performance mailing list? Should we use
> wikitech-l?).
> Regarding numbered metrics and considering what we learned from these
> meetings it is going to be hard to set numbers for the goals to reach,
> we'll do our best and communicate back.
> Cheers
> ps: If I've mistaken or missed anything on my notes please call me out on
> it and correct me!
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