Hi Wiktor,

Did Google specify which portion(s) of their regulations your app was

If you think the issue might have involved CC BY-SA, then you may want to
look at Wikipedia:Reusing Wikipedia Content
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Reusing_Wikipedia_content>. That
policy may help you determine if your app complied with the Creative
Commons license restrictions. (And for more information about attribution,
you can consult this page on the CC wiki:


Charles M. Roslof
Intellectual Property & Internet Law Fellow
Wikimedia Foundation
(415) 839-6885

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please see our legal disclaimer

On Sun, Jan 3, 2016 at 1:32 PM, Wiktor WarchaƂowski <
w.warchalow...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear Sir or Madam,
> My name is Wiktor WarchaƂowski and I am software developer from Poland. In
> the previous month, together with my friends from the University of Science
> and Technology in Krakow, we wrote the application for Android called
> "WikiBuster".
> The idea is quite simple - user has to move from a random article on
> Wikipedia (Polish or English - depending on his preference) to another
> article using only hyperlinks to pages. The application works like a
> browser, except that WIkiBuster app collects the number of clicks between
> first and last article.
> The idea that guided us was to promote knowledge and Wikipedia. At the
> beginning we have promoted our app among friends, to get feedback, what do
> they think about this idea and form of entertainment combined with
> education.
> Unfortunately, some time ago Google Play removed our app from the store
> due to violations of the Google regulations. I have wrote to
> polish Wikipedia information team and sent them our app. They found it very
> interesting.
> They suppose that Google removed our app because of license CC BY-SA
> 4.0. They told us to write to Wikimedia Foundation and Wikimedia Mobile
> engineering department. Can you help us to adapt the application to the
> license terms?
> We can send you our application in .app format if needed.
> Yours faithfully,
> Wiktor
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