Greetings Wikimedia mobile,

Outreachy-13 <> round of internship has
started and we're compiling a list of tasks that could be a good 3 month
internship project( Dec 6 to March 6 ). The application deadline is Oct-17.

Currently, there's only one project Hacking:Wiki Radio on the
<> board.

If you have a task which would take 2-3 weeks for a senior contributor to
finish and would like to mentor, please add possible-tech-projects and
Outreachy-13 to it and we'll make sure to feature it.

Also note that Outreachy internships are not limited to coding, UI/UX and
Design are also included.

It'd be interesting to have one or two projects from mobile as well.

Do let us know!

-Thanks and Regards,
-Sumit Asthana,
B.Tech Final Year,
Dept. of CSE,
IIT Patna
Mobile-l mailing list

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