Statement of Interest Deadline: December 17, 2010

A Workshop at CSCW 2011
Hangzhou, China, March 19-23, 2011

Recent projects and studies suggest there is interesting and diverse
work emerging at the intersection of ICT4D
-- the application of information and communication technologies to
socio-economic development -- and social
media. One trend both fields share is the rise of mobile:  While ICT4D
has been devoting increasing attention to
 mobile technologies due to their global reach,  there has also been a
surge in mobile social media applications
for the developed world. Whether mobile or web-based, work by social
media researchers indicates that social
software may have significant potential in developing regions through
support for citizen reporting, crowdsourcing, grassroots mapping, and
education. Through position papers and interactive discussions,
workshop participants will explore current work at the intersection of
ICT4D and social media ("SM4D"), as well
as challenges, emerging themes, and future directions.


The three main objectives for this workshop are:

 * To bring together researchers, designers, and practitioners who are
working in, or interested in exploring,
   the intersection of social media and ICT4D, to share experiences
and current work, and to identify current

 * Create a diverse community interested in designing, building,
leveraging, or studying social media for its
   applicability in addressing problems of disadvantaged populations,
particularly in the developing world.
   Identify key ways in which the social media/CSCW and ICT4D research
communities can and should

 * Discuss emerging themes, future work, and opportunities for
continued information-sharing and collaboration.


The main themes of the workshop are:

State of the Art of SM4D:
Identify and summarize current activities in the SM4D space. This may
include discussion of design
explorations, systems, applications, and methods for supporting and
studying SM4D, as well as case studies,
e.g., deployment stories, empirical studies, and user studies.

Share the challenges of deploying, studying, scaling, and sustaining
SM4D systems in developing areas
(whether technological, cultural, political, or logistical). Discuss
best practices.

Future Directions for SM4D:
Identify emerging trends and future directions in this area. Identify
areas in which the ICT4D and social media
communities should be collaborating and learning from one another.


Immediately:                Indicate interest by emailing shupfer [at]
December 17, 2010:   Email full Statement of Interest to shupfer [at]
December 30, 2010:   Acceptance Decisions
January 7, 2011:         Registration for Workshop Ends
January 31, 2011:       Submit Full Position Paper
March 19, 2011:          CSCW Begins
March 19-20 2011:     Workshop (19th OR 20th - TBD)


Susanne Hupfer, Center for Social Software, IBM Research
Beth Kolko, Department of Human Centered Design and Engineering,
University of Washington
Kentaro Toyama, School of Information, University of California,


IMMEDIATELY -  Please send an email to shupfer [at]
indicating your interest in attending. (We'd
like to gauge the level of interest in this workshop as early as

No later than December 17, 2010 - Please email a "Statement of
Interest" to shupfer [at] to provide
a brief preview of the Position Paper due later (see below).  This
email should include:

 * Titles, names, affiliations, email address of the authors
 * Abstract for the Position Paper (200-word description of recent,
current, or ongoing work relevant to SM4D)
 * Short biography of the authors’ backgrounds, areas of expertise,
and desired takeaways from the workshop

The organizers will review all Statements of Interest and select
participants.  Selection will be based on
relevance to the SM4D area, how well the position paper preview
appears to relate to the Themes of the
workshop (listed above), balance of coverage, and potential for
generating interesting discussion.

No later than December 30, 2010 - Acceptance decisions will be

January 7, 2011 - Register for the workshop at the CSCW registration
page.  Workshop participants are
REQUIRED to register for the workshop by this deadline.

January 31, 2011 - Full position paper is due from workshop
participants.  Please email to shupfer [at]  Each position paper should be no more than 4 pages in the
standard CSCW Extended Abstract
format.  All submissions will be treated as non-archival, and can
include preliminary work intended for archival publication in another

All position papers must include:

 * Titles, names, affiliations, email address of the authors
 * Description of recent, current, or ongoing work relevant to SM4D
 * The paper must address one or more of the Themes listed above.
 * Short biography of the authors’ backgrounds,  areas of expertise,
and desired takeaways from the workshop

March 19, 2011 - CSCW Begins

March 19 or 20, 2011 - SM4D Workshop (exact date to be determined)

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