Dear all,

With this the announcement of the extension of deadline to FEBRUARY 28th 2012 
for submitting abstracts for the Communication Policy and Technology section of 
the 2012 IAMCR conference in Durban. See our call for proposals below.

Best regards,
Jo Pierson

International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR)
Conference, July 15-19, 2012, Durban (South-Africa)
'South-North Conversations'

Communication Policy & Technology Section


The Communication Policy and Technology (CP&T) Section of the International 
Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) invites submissions 
for the IAMCR 2012 conference to be held from July 15-19, 2012 at the Howard 
College Campus of the University of KwaZulu Natal (UKZN) in Durban (South 
Africa). The deadline for submissions of abstracts and panel proposals has been 
extended to February 28, 2012.

The conference will be held under the general theme, 'South-North 
Conversations'. While the theme points to the asymmetry of and divides in 
global communication flows, it expresses at the same time a need for Western 
countries to listen to and learn from experiences from the global South. The 
theme thus calls for balanced and empowering narratives that do not regard 
those in ‘the South’ primarily as victims in need of hand-outs from the more 
affluent. Rather, the conference wishes to emphasise the communicative 
empowerment and the positive potential of media and communication technologies 
in and from the ‘Global South’.

The general conference theme is very relevant for the CP&T Section, which is 
oriented towards policy and practices with respect to (digital) communication 
technology. The role and meaning of ICT in the global South-North relationship 
also serves as a metaphor for issues of disempowerment-empowerment on national 
and local levels. The use of the notion of ‘empowerment’ is a long-standing 
tradition especially in the social welfare and radical education literature. 
When applying it in the analysis of the implications of communication 
technology, however, it is crucial to take into account Mansell’s (2002: 409) 
assertion that: ‘(...) the implications of the new media are contradictory. 
Once connected, there are no grounds for simply assuming that citizens will be 
empowered to conduct their social lives in meaningful ways. There is, 
therefore, a growing need to examine whether the deployment of new media is 
consistent with ensuring that the majority of citizens acquire the necessary 
capabilities for interpreting and acting upon a social world that is 
intensively mediated by the new media.’

Starting from this perspective, we observe a paradox: on the one hand, ICT 
instruments like social media are proliferating, reinforcing the potential for 
communicative empowerment; on the other hand, empirical evidence on what 
empowerment actually consists of is still limited. In addition, the risks and 
structural constraints associated with this potential for empowerment are often 
downplayed in techno-optimistic accounts of the impact of technology on society 
and politics. Understanding both the opportunities and risks involved in the 
co-evolution of media technologies and society is at the core of the section’s 
remit in the IAMCR 2012 conference.

In addition to our open call for papers, the CP&T section invites paper and 
panel proposals addressing the following themes that are particularly relevant 
to the section, organised for presentational purposes by a thematic focus on 
policy, on practices, and on technology:

1 - Policy
- Net-neutrality: a first amendment for the Internet?
- Internet censorship and control mechanisms
- Transparency of government, open data and whistleblowing in the 
post-Wikileaks age
- DPI (Deep Packet Inspection) and Internet governance
- Redefining Internet openness and power relations in the age of 
- Civic/internet liberties in relation to hacktivism and peer-to-peer file 
- A new civil society agenda and a new strategy for the next WSIS?
- Social, economic and legal issues related to (new) regulatory initiatives 
worldwide on privacy and data protection (eg EU)

2 - Practices
- User (dis)empowerment and the disappearance of media for people living ‘in’ 
- Reconfiguring trust and identity in online/offline communities and 
user-generated content
- Privacy and the commodification of personal data
- Radical protest, (everyday) resistance and networks
- Social and policy consequences of (behavioural) advertising - targeting, 
filtering, profiling and sorting
- Mitigation of risks and responsibility in online environments for different 
- OccupyWallStreet/ Indignados movement: how communication technologies and 
policies are used by and affected by those involved?
- Tensions between content producers (including users and ‘produsers’) and 
content distributors

3 - Technology
- Construction of technology: privacy-by-design versus surveillance-by-design
- Political economy of social media
- Changing policies, value networks and user practices in a digital 
audio-visual landscape
- Role of mobile technologies and services in global South contexts
- Hegemony and post-hegemony, and Internet technologies and algorithms
- Creativity and control through ambient intelligence, and the 
Internet-of-Things (RFID)
- Changing nature of digital divides and mass self-communication

Submission information

The CP&T section welcomes proposals for papers bearing on the above or related 
issues by submitting an abstract (300 – maximum 500 words). Abstracts should 
state the title, the methods or approach used, and briefly introduce the 
theoretical framework and empirical research on which the paper will be based. 
The scholarly presentation of accepted submissions can take place in several 
types of sessions: Paper presentation sessions (i.e. 4-5 presenters each with 
12-15 minutes, requiring full paper submitted on time) and High intensity 
sessions (i.e. 6-8 presenters each with 5-7 minutes). While, IAMCR accepts 
presentations and papers in English, French and Spanish, it is requested that 
abstracts and panel proposals, if at all possible, be submitted in English to 
facilitate the reviewing process.

Proposals for panels are also welcome. A proposal should have four to five 
papers and should provide: (1) a panel title, (2) a framing text and (3) short 
abstracts for all the papers with paper titles and authors. The framing text 
(maximum 500 words) should contain the overall idea and goal of the panel, how 
it responds to the CP&T section CfP. A panel chair and a discussant should also 
be proposed. The 500 word panel framing text and the individual paper abstracts 
need to be submitted separately. They will be reviewed and based on this review 
we will accept, accept with revisions, or decline the panel.

Submission of abstracts, panel proposals and (once accepted) full papers can 
only be done online through IAMCR Open Conference System (OCS) using the link 
to be found on the official Durban conference website. The OCS system at 
<> will open on 1 December 2011 and close on 28 February 
2012. Submissions via e-mail will not be reviewed.

It is expected that, normally, only one abstract will be submitted per person 
for consideration by the Conference. However, under no circumstances should 
there be more than three abstracts bearing the name of the same proposer either 
individually or as part of any group of authors. Please note also that the same 
abstract or another version with minor variations in title or content must not 
be submitted to other IAMCR Sections or Working Groups for consideration, after 
an initial submission. Such submissions will be deemed to be in breach of the 
conference guidelines and will be automatically rejected by the Open Conference 
System (OCS), by the Head of the Section or by the Conference Programme 
Referee. Applicants submitting multiple abstracts for papers risk being removed 
entirely from the conference programme.

The deadlines are:
- February 28, 2012: Submission of abstracts via OCS (papers and panel 
proposals will be assessed by double blind review)
- March 12, 2012: Start of conference registration
- March 19, 2012: Announcement of acceptances
- June 10, 2012: Full papers due via OCS (around 7,500 words, excluding notes 
and references). There is no second round of reviewing for acceptance.

If a proposal is accepted, the presenter must also register for conference 
participation in order to be included in the final conference programme of the 
Section. A CP&T best paper award will be made to one of the paper presenters, 
based on the full papers submitted in time.

Additional questions about the CP&T sessions (submission, themes, panels etc.) 
at the IAMCR 2012 conference can be addressed to Maria Michalis 
(m.michalis[AT] and Jo Pierson (jo.pierson[AT] For 
further information on the conference (registration, theme, location, etc.), 
please contact the Local Organizing Committee (LOC) or consult the Conference 
Organizers via the website at: <> or by email at 

Section Chair:  Jo Pierson  /  Vice-Chairs: Maria Michalis and Bart Cammaerts

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