International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR)
Academic Conference, July 15-19, 2014, Hyderabad (India)
Region as a Frame: Politics, Presence, Practice

Communication Policy and Technology (CP&T) section


The Communication Policy and Technology (CP&T) Section of the International 
Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) invites submissions 
for the IAMCR 2014 conference to be held from July 15-19, 2014 at Hyderabad 
(India). The deadline for submissions of extended abstracts for papers and 
panel proposals is midnight GMT on 10 February 2014.

The conference will be held under the general theme: Region as a Frame: 
Politics, Presence, Practice. The overall conference theme seeks to explore the 
dynamics of media systems, communication patterns and organizational 
relationships within the ‘framing’ of region as a physical and conceptual 

The breaking down of some the world’s walls has created an uncertainty about 
the geographies and substantive nature of the regions they had once defined. 
Mobility, migration and disembodied interactions by cyberspace further 
complicate the notion of region as a conceptual and experiential category. New 
regional hierarchies, such as the economic power of emerging economies (BRICS) 
are taking shape, serving to decentre traditional loci of power, while 
different forms of identity politics are creating fissures in the modern nation 
state. Corporations have acquired the power to dictate politics through their 
ownership of forms and channels of expression, and this has created a new 
urgency to re-think old arguments around media control and dispersal in a 
regional rather than global framework. This conference theme thus lends itself 
to papers and panels dealing with a wide range of specific sub-themes and 
topics relevant for the Communication Policy and Technology section:
* What are the policies, user practices and technologies that co-evolve with 
media discourse, organization and economics?
* What kind of presence is at all possible in this redefined regional space, 
and how does region become a real and imagined construct across new media 
* What sorts of practices then become key to media and communication spaces 
enclosed in or defined by this new frame?

The Communication Policy and Technology section invites contributions to this 
overall theme that link and integrate the different levels of policy, industry, 
civil society and user practices with the possible shifts in local, national, 
regional and global power relations and communication technologies. The latter 
fits within the interdisciplinary framework of socio-technological changes 
taking place in communication and media production, diffusion and consumption, 
on micro, meso, and macro levels. The question is to what extent and how 
researchers and civil society in the media and communications field can 
formulate answers to strengthen user empowerment and to mitigate disempowerment 
on the levels of access, literacy, privacy and surveillance in the age of mass 

Starting from the remit of the Communication Policy and Technology section, we 
invite submissions that take a closer look at these issues. In addition to our 
open call for papers and the sub-themes, the CP&T section also invites papers 
and panel proposals addressing the following particular themes that are 
relevant to the section, organised by a focus on governance, practices, and 

1 - Policies and governance
- Governance, control and (liquid) surveillance through technological 
infrastructures and algorithms
- User driven (bottom up) forms of governance, strengths and weaknesses  
- Critical perspectives on big data, data mining, social sorting, and Internet 
- Civic/internet liberties in relation to hacktivism and peer-to-peer file 
- Social, economic and legal issues related to (new) regulatory initiatives in 
different regions of the world, on privacy, surveillance, and data protection.
- Media and Digital Literacy policies in comparative perspective
- Convergence and/or deconvergence of policies and value networks (business 
modelling) of digital audio-visual systems
- The emerging digital rights agenda

2 - Practices
- User (dis)empowerment and mediation
- Tactics and strategies of resistance and protest in technology design and use 
(e.g. end-user programming, open source initiatives, DIY, cheating, counterplay)
- Consumer/citizen awareness, attitudes, capabilities and practices towards 
privacy, surveillance and the commodification of personal data in digital 
marketing techniques
- Reconfiguring media literacy and digital literacy in online/offline social 
- User Convergence and/or deconvergence in digital audio-visual systems

3 - Technologies
- Critical perspectives on social media and technology design, in particularly 
related to privacy and surveillance (e.g. PETs - Privacy Enhancing Technologies)
- Big data and the ethics of state and corporate surveillance 
- Creativity, transparency, privacy and control through social, local and 
mobile technologies, autonomous systems and ubiquitous computing (e.g. RFID, 
- Technologies for data inference, profiling, recommendations, and prediction 
of user behaviour (predictive analytics)
- Socio-economic aspects of transnational and transregional systems of 
distribution in comparative perspective 

The CP&T Section will also look for opportunities for hosting joint sessions 
with other sections and working groups. In this regard the Working Group on 
Global Media Policy - in co-operation with the CP&T section - invites papers 
addressing World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS)-related topics with 
the focus on its 10 year history. This is part of a joint IAMCR effort to 
engage with international debates around communication and social 
transformations in the digital age, in the line up to take stock of the WSIS+10.

Submission information

The CP&T section welcomes proposals for papers bearing on the above or related 
issues by submitting an extended abstract (between 300 and 1,000 words in 
length). Abstracts should contain title, main question or research problem, 
theoretical framework, research method(s) used, and (expected) empirical 
outcomes. The scholarly presentation of accepted submissions can take place in 
two types of sessions: paper presentation sessions (i.e. 4-5 presenters each 
with 12-15 minutes, requiring full paper submitted on time) and high intensity 
sessions (i.e. 6-8 presenters each with 5-7 minutes). While, IAMCR accepts 
presentations and papers in English, French and Spanish, it is requested that 
extended abstracts and panel proposals, if at all possible, be submitted in 
English to facilitate the reviewing process. 

Proposals for panels of 90 minutes are also welcome. A complete CP&T panel 
proposal must have 4 to 5 papers and include:
1. The panel description, including, the panel title, a framing text, the names 
of the panelists and the titles of their papers. The framing text (maximum 350 
words) should contain the overall idea and goal of the panel, and how it 
responds to the CP&T section call. A panel chair and a discussant should also 
be proposed.
2. An (extended) abstract for each paper (between 300 and 1,000 words in 
length), including title and author(s).
The panel description and the individual abstracts must be submitted 
individually. Thus a panel with 5 papers involves making 6 separate submissions 
via the Open Conference System (OCS). Abstracts can be submitted directly by 
the panel authors or the panel coordinator can submit them on the authors’ 
behalf. The abstract submissions must indicate “PANEL:” as the first word of 
their title and the complete title of the panel must appear in the first line 
of the abstract. The panel proposal will be reviewed and based on this review 
we will accept, accept with revisions, or decline the panel.

Submission of extended abstracts, panel proposals and (if accepted) full papers 
can only be done online via IAMCR’s Open Conference System (OCS) at from 1 December 2013 until 10 February 2014 (midnight 
GMT). Early submission is strongly encouraged. Submissions only sent via e-mail 
will not be reviewed.

It is expected that for the most part, only one (1) abstract will be submitted 
per person for consideration by the Conference. However, under no circumstances 
should there be more than two (2) abstracts bearing the name of the same 
applicant either individually or as part of any group of authors. Please note 
also that the same abstract or another version with minor variations in title 
or content must not be submitted to other Sections or Working Groups of the 
Association for consideration, after an initial submission. Such submissions 
will be deemed to be in breach of the conference guidelines and will be 
automatically rejected by the Open Conference System, by the relevant Head or 
by the Conference Programme Reviewer. Such applicants risk being removed 
entirely from the conference programme.

Upon submission of an abstract, you will be asked to confirm that your 
submission is original and that it has not been previously published in the 
form presented. You will also be given an opportunity to declare if your 
submission is currently before another conference for consideration.

If a proposal is accepted, the presenter must also register for conference 
participation in order to be included in the final conference programme of the 
Section. A CP&T best paper award will be made to one of the paper presenters, 
based on the full papers submitted in time.

Please note following deadlines and key dates for the 2014 IAMCR Conference:
1 December 2013: Open Computer System (OCS) opens for abstract submission at
10 February 2014: OCS closes - Final deadline for submission of extended 
abstracts and panels (submissions will be assessed by double blind review)
24 March 2014: Notification of acceptances of abstracts
15 April 2014: Confirmation of participation by presenters
30 April 2014: Deadline for early bird registration
20 June 2014: Deadline for full paper submission via OCS (around 7,500 words, 
excluding notes and references). There is no second round of reviewing for 
15-19 July 2014: IAMCR Conference, Hyderabad (India)

Additional questions about the CP&T sessions (submission, themes, panels etc.) 
at the IAMCR 2014 conference can be addressed to Aphra Kerr (aphra.kerr [AT] For further information, please consult the conference website at: or contact the Local Organizing Committee (LOC) by email:

Section Chair:  Jo Pierson / Vice-Chairs: Bart Cammaerts and Aphra Kerr

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