Here is an informative and encouraging article, taken from The Hindu.

Customised mobile operating systems are available for users to upgrade the 
operating system Know that feeling you get when you miss the flight after 
buying an expensive ticket? That is probably how smartphone users feel when 
they discover that their brand-new phone is no longer able to install the 
latest applications.Not because the phone hardware has become obsolete or will 
be sluggish when running those apps, but simply because the operating system, 
the platform on which these applications are installed, is not the latest. 
Buying a new car because you want to change the tint, or a new laptop because 
you want to change the operating system, as absurd as it seems, is the trend 
encouraged with smartphones. "Official support" for the latest software 
releases is not extended by vendors; instead consumers are encouraged to buy 
newer models of the gadgets with the latest operating system. However, when the 
operating system platform is Open Source as in the case of Android, even if the 
device manufacturers or Google do not offer upgrades, the community of 
developers offer state-of-the-art releases for most of the popular Android 
gadgets. Android, being an Open Source project, allows the developer community 
to download, modify and improve the operating system. Although Google does not 
officially endorse these custom releases, it is the nature of Open Source 
communities to release customised versions, as has been with the Linux-based 
desktop operating systems. Customised mobile operating systems, based on 
Android, are made available to users, so that they can upgrade their phone 
operating system to the latest releases. Such customised operating systems 
residing in the 'Read Only Memory' of gadgets, are commonly known as Custom 
ROMs, or firmwares. One popular community that has been active in releasing 
Android-based custom ROMs is Cyanogenmod, which is attempting to make Android 
more open and less dependent on Google, while still giving all the technical 
joys of the latest Android as a mobile platform. Getting Custom ROMs Installing 
Custom ROM is like reinstalling one's operating system on a desktop, except 
that on cellphones it is more contrived and inherently disabled. So, as the 
first step, the smartphone needs to be unlocked to be able to install and run a 
compatible custom ROM. For a non-geek, it is arduous and might even seem like a 
tedious technical coaster ride, but with some technical help it is a reward 
that gives the user more features without new investment. The first step to 
unlock Android phones is to get the right privileges. Android is based on 
Linux, which follows the concept of hierarchical privileges to different users 
accessing resources on one's machine. 'Guest privilege' allows the user to use 
the system resources and make minor changes, which is the default mode 
smartphones are shipped with. The higher echelons of system privileges bestow 
users with the potential to tinker and tamper around the system resources. In 
the Linux/Unix jargon, a user with the highest privileges is termed 'root' or 
Superuser. "Imagine you are 'Clark Kent' and you discover the hidden special 
abilities or 'SU'per Power known as SUPERMAN. Given a chance to live your life, 
whom would you choose? Clark Kent or Superman," asks Devi Prasath, an Android 
developer, introducing the idea of the Superuser in Android phones. Superuser 
is the Superman in your smartphone, who can turn things upside down. This trend 
of rooting one's phone, until recently, was widely discouraged by hardware 
manufacturers, but of late is being supported by phone manufacturers. Official 
support to third-party firmware is something many companies are encouraging 
now, to expand the compatibility of drivers and peripherals. Value addition 
About half the Android devices today are running the two-year-old Gingerbread 
(Android 2.3) version. If the hardware supports it, which is mostly the case, 
users can hop onto the latest firmwares available such as Ice Cream Sandwich 
(Android 4.0) or Jelly Bean (Android 4.2) on their existing hardware by rooting 
their gadgets and installing the latest compatible release from Cyanogenmod. 
Running custom ROMs such as Cyanogenmod firstly allows the user to experience 
the latest release of the Android version. The latest available Cyanogenmod, 
version 10.1 is based on the latest Android release version 4.2.2. Apart from 
bringing the default features in the latest versions, there are other 
enhancements that Cyanogenmod can unleash. In phones running custom ROMs, the 
processor and battery wasted on these services can be utilised on more 
purposeful applications. Quicker booting, faster processing, and lesser memory 
utilisation are certain factors to substantially improve the experience of 
using these Android-based custom firmwares. 
lists the devices officially supported by the Cyanogenmod community. Almost 
every popular Android smartphone has the latest Cyanogenmod support. 
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