Dear All,


This mail i received yesterday.





From: Namrata Mahalley [] 
Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2013 6:55 AM
Subject: Fw: My worst experience with Mister Kiran...



Dear Sir,


Please find below the mail that i received yesterday from Mr. Ankit
Jindal which explains the most horrible 4th side of Mr.Kiran 



Namrata Mahalley


----- Forwarded Message -----
From: swiss view <>
Sent: Tuesday, 23 April 2013 1:22 AM
Subject: My worst experience with Mister Kiran...

Dear Namrata,

Here i am telling my worst experience with Mister Kiran.

I am ankit Jindal from Faridabad Delhi NCR.

As i was on the access india mailing list, from there i got know a
company persion technologies private limited. is offering a fully
accessible android mobile phone.

That was good news for me as i was searching for a new mobile phone,
after visiting on the company's website
i contacted them via given mail address which is
soon i got call on my mobile phone, a person name Kiran started
telling me about the device.
he told me his company had made android fully accessible  while making
lots of accessible  apps,  so and so.

Alright, as i required that  phone immediately so after getting his
assurance  that he will dispatch  courier just after receiving RS.
10500  which was the cost of mobile phone.

i said i am depositing  money in your bank account, immediately  he
sent me mail with all necessary details.

Mail received from persion technologies Tuesday, Feb 26, 2013 at 10:54

Bank details for mobile phone purchase

Dear Ankit,

As per the telecon please find the details of the bank.

Bank name      :    HDFC bank.

Branch.            :    Heritage House Pune

Account number. :  12102320000692

Account holders name.  :  Persion Technologies Pvt Ltd.

IFSC :    HDFC0001210


Persion Technologies Sales team.


Alright, next day on 27th feb i deposit RS. 10500 in above given Bank

Just after 15 minutes i got call from Mister Kiran, he said, Ankit, i
have received your advance money and i will dispatch your mobile
tomorrow at 28th feb.

I started waiting, waiting, waiting day after day time was passing,
whenever i called Mister Kiran on his mobile he gave me new reason
each time for delay,
some times he said that he is driving, some times he said he is
calling me just in 5 minutes, some times he said he is updating mobile
with android 4.2 version which is more accessible than previous one,
some times he said, ankit, you are my best friend, so i will give you
quad core mobile instead of dual core, don't worry about extra
charges, i don't need anything extra from you because you are my first
customer and i have special care for you,
some times he said he had already delivered my courier, like this he
was ignoring me and exploiting my innocence.

whenever i caught his lies, he started emotional  talks.

Ankit, i am doing hard work to bring complete accessibility  for you
people... sinse 4 years i am working hard for disables... i am not
doing any business... i want to work for you all because  i feel good
for helping people...

As we all are seedhe saadhe, so we easily get caught in his bloody trap.

but now my patience  had been over, at 7th April stricktly i said him
that i need my money back,
after that  daily he started lying that he had transfered my refund
via Neft, whenever i talked to him on his mobile, he said me to visit
my bank and check my account, like this he played with my innocence
and exploited me in all manner.
just think his lies created tons of troubles for me, he sent me in the
bank around 15 times to check my account.

this guy was giving me mental  stress from starting when his first
commitment failed at 28th feb.
after  that he didn't stop and created lots of problems for me.
in 2 months i called him around 100 times and each time faced his lies
and fake stories.

which  mobile i could buy from open market very easily just in 2
minutes, cause to his bloody lies waisted my 2 months.
He doesn't know anything about app development, but  he made us fool
while saying that he is building some special apps which make's his
offered device different from others.

Alright, again coming on the point how he gave my money back.
after waisting my 10 more days from 7th April, at 16th april  he
deposit  check in my account in Pune, but that was his trick later i
got know from my bank that check had been returned cause to signature

I was praying, ohh God, please save  me, front of you a bloody chap is
playing with me,
at 20th  April when i talked to him and i told him that cause to your
bloody tricks and lies my bloodpressure is around 160 if i will die
cause to your fraud then
would you be able to enjoy with my money?
he could guess  my  sickness while hearing my voice, that afternoon he
deposit  cash in my bank account and finally i got that at twenty
second April.

like me there are many people who are still fighting to get back their
hardly earned money.

I am sharing this all because i want to save others to getting caught
in his bloody trap.


Ankit Jindal

Address: 1H/59 B.P NIT Faridabad Haryana 121001.

Contact No: 9971821122

Ankit J 9971821122

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