Hi Amar, trying to reply point by point. plz see below:
On 16-05-2013 08:56, Amar Jain wrote:
Hey Guys,

So far from Google I/O conference, I have loved 2 key things.

1. Maps: The maps looks really promising. And now it is said to
improve the desktop version of the same, for which I have already
requested my invite. This has been my favourite announcement from the
long list of keynote announcements, and of course I wish I could be
one of them who would be receiving the free crome book (big laugh)!
What is the invite business for desktop maps? I wish you the best for chrome Book.
2. Hangouts: I am seriously happy that they didn't keep the name of
the unified chat service as babel, I just didn't like that. The
Hangouts client on Android seems to be manageable so far. I could
figure out how to send the hangout, how to make video call, and now
looking forward to try how to accept the hangout request, receive the
video call, etc. All depends on someone whou would really love to
hangout with me (smily)
I have just installed hangouts on my ICS device. send me your ID privately and let's try different features.
The new Google Wallet didn't do anything for we Indian users as such,
still my card doesn't work there.
I have been using my visa credit card for purchases on google. However, due to non-availability of the extra security in the form of visa secure, I don't like to keep my card details on google. don't the debit cards work there?
I am yet to see the Google Plus features, though the desktop version
is not really happily manageable unlike the android app.
There has been small improvement in the android version still not very easily manageable.

The google play store update has not come to my device yet, but I have
installed the latest APK, and didn't notice any change.
I have the updated google play store on my device. the only thing I notice is 
that the permissions tab, the one which comes after you hit the install button, 
has changed somewhat and it is easier to see the permissions.

Though the google play music app is not catering to Indian users yet
from what I understand, but the accessibility is more pathetic than
tried google music but did not find it much accessible.
The accessibility presentation is on 16th, but I am not expecting any
big announcement there, something like change in API, as the
description of accessibility event is very basic.
Let's keep our fingers crossed.
all the best.
Lets see what is more to come!

For new users: please try before shooting questions, as I would love
to solve a problem than giving whole description of my experience.


Thanks and regards,
Aruni Sharma
Asst. Prof. JNPG College, Lucknow India.
Skype: aruni_sharma
Facebook: arunisharma
twitter: twitter.com/arunisharma

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