
I have two general principles to recommend to you:

1.)     Keep it affordable. If you're learning, you shouldn't be
stretching beyond the reasonable limits of your budget to pay state of
the art technology. We call those prices "bleeding edge" for a reason.
Instead, look for products near the end of their release cycle. You'll
pay a lot less, and the learning will be just as valuable and maybe even
more reliable than with an untried, possibly buggy, state of the art

        On this list people tend to like Samsung and LG a lot. A good
        example of this principle would be to buy a Samsung S5 when the
        new Samsung S6 is released.

                You can take some of the money you save this way to put
                an SD card into the device. Again, follow the same
                principle. Last year's capacity will be much cheaper,
                and still quite capacious.

                2.)     Avoid contracts from the telephone companies.
                They aren't doing you much of a favor when they lock you
                into an expensive multi-year contract just to put an
                expensive phone in your hands today. Not only will you
                pay richly for the privledge for a long time, you'll
                find yourself frustrated by the way they've configured
                your phone and locked you out of being able to change
                things like you might want. Generally speaking, generic
                Android and unlocked is much smarter than a telco
                branded phone.

                Remember, your first phone is almost certainly not your
                last phone. There'll be plenty of opportunities to
                upgrade tomorrow.


Bhavya shah writes:
> Dear all.
> I understand that this question keeps coming on these lists every now and 
> then.
> But I have give my specific requirements below:
> Experience : I have practically no experience with phones after
> becoming blind, neither Simbian, Android or I OS. However, I have
> decided to purchase a phone running Android (Touch Screen) and please
> do not suggest me not to try Android or to go for other OSs.
> Keypad : I have no attachment to physical keypads in phones, but
> wouldn't mind if a phone has it either, given that the phone is
> powerful enough to meet my needs.
> Accessibility : Phones with higher accessibility standards would be
> nore welcome, however, according to my readings, inaccessible
> features/apps of a phones can be easily replaced by third party apps.
> S, I am willing to face some challenges here and there.
> Looks: The phone should look visually stylish. It need not be the most
> flashiest phone out there, but should be decent enough... to be
> carried around by a teenager.
> Price: The price of the phone should be under
> Rs. 12,000
> Dollars 200
> Pounds 120
> I wouldn't like to exceed this budget, unless absolutely necessary.
> Brand Name: The brand name doesn't matter much to me, given that the
> phone is great and the after sales service is acceptible. However, it
> would be better, if phones from companies not so reputed are excluded.
> However, be informed that I wouldn't skip phones that fulfill all of
> the other criteria and don't fulfill this one.
> Power: The phone should be powerful, and I seriously mean quite
> powerful, powerful enoug to allow the usage given below...
> Usage: I will play about a lot with my phone. Playing about includes
> installing different apps, using standard chatting and social
> networking programs, using blindness related apps like OCR apps,
> colour identification apps etc., accessible games, and whatever
> interesting I come across in the journey in the Android world.
> Updates: Since, I like playing about with technology, I would be quite
> eager to receive Android updates on my phone, especially Android L.
> Findings: Now, let me share what knowledge I have,
> Asus Zenfone 5 is a phone that fulfills almost all my needs... apart
> from updates. I am wondering if the Zenfone 5 is going to receive the
> Android L update or not. If most of you say that it is going to
> receive Android L update, and share positive experiences with the
> phone, I will go ahead and purchase it without second thoughts.
> Moto G gen 2, doesn't seem better to Zenfone 5, but if you all insist
> me on giving higher priority to Android updates, then I will skip
> Zenfone 5 and go with Moto G gen 2
> Ziaomi Redmi 1s: It is an excellent phone for its price, but I don't
> want to purchase it because it is yet on JB while gen 2 & Zenfone are
> on Kit Kat. Even though the phone is excellent, the brand name is not
> yet too popular.
> Android One phones: Neither of the ANdroid One phones stand up to the
> Zenfone, and the brands are not very reputed. So, preferably, I want
> to skip Android One... at least for now, since there is nothing great
> yet. I can't wait much longer for better Android One releases.
> Moto E: Again, doesn't stand up to the Zenfone 5, and I don't know if
> it is going to get the Android L update.
> Thats about it, about what I know.
> Sorry for the real long mail and for my choosy attitude.
> But please share your suggestions/recommendations, because I am
> finally going to get my first Android phone!!!
> I would appreciate any assistance.
> Best Regards
> Bhavya Shah
> -- 
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Janina Sajka,   Phone:  +1.443.300.2200
                Email:  jan...@rednote.net

Linux Foundation Fellow
Executive Chair, Accessibility Workgroup:       http://a11y.org

The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI)
Chair,  Protocols & Formats     http://www.w3.org/wai/pf
        Indie UI                        http://www.w3.org/WAI/IndieUI/

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