On Jan 10, 2006, at 10:20 PM, Bob Ippolito wrote:
Strange, because checking with Safari 1.3.1, the same problem occurs. Also, I realize I did not have the latest FireFox, so I have now tried it with a newly installed 1.5, that however gives the same problem. This is on OS X 10.3.9. So, to repeat, following call does not enable a previously disabled input element:

setNodeAttribute(input, 'disabled', false);

Can the problem be coming from beyond the browser?

Please post a full example that demonstrates what it does do and what it should do and I'll look into it myself.

Seems to be behave exactly as Mike and Eugene have described. In any case here's a simple example to show exactly what is going on.

If use of disabled (or any boolean attribute) should be avoided, what should one use instead?

Title: disabled attribute

  • Setting the disabled attribute on an input element, via _javascript_ and via DOM (mochikit's setNodeAttribute()).
  • Note that setting any value, be it false or even null, on the DOM attribute will cause the boolean disabled attribute to evaluate to true.
  • Behaviour seems to be consistent across browsers (at least on FF 1.5 and Safari 1.3.1 on OS X 10.3.9).


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