On Friday 13 January 2006 13:28, Beau Hartshorne wrote:
> I may be mixed up here. With Signal, if you do this:
> // set up
> var myObject = {};
> register_signals(myObject, ['flash']);
> connect(myObject, 'flash', otherObject, 'gotFlash');
> connect(myObject, 'flash', yetAnotherObject, 'somethingElse');
> // somewhere else in the code
> signal(myObject, 'flash', 'extra');
> otherObject.gotFlash('extra') and yetAnotherObject.somethingElse 
> ('extra') will be called .. right?


My point was that there is no function named 'flash' and even if there was, 
'flash' wouldn't get called.

Signalling isn't like function calling in that regard. You don't expect 
'flash' to get executed, and you aren't looking for a return value.

Jonathan Gardner

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