On Feb 12, 2006, at 4:17 PM, Beau Hartshorne wrote:

On 12-Feb-06, at 4:11 PM, Bob Ippolito wrote:

It'd be pretty easy to find if it did.. everything public is documented.

No, it doesn't currently do anything with cookies.

Sorry, I should have started with "I think MochiKit should make cookies not suck." I'm working with my first JS cookie today, and it's horrible. Would they belong in .Base (with the JSON stuff)?

No, cookies would belong in their own module. Base consists of non- browser-specific technology. There shouldn't be any references to window, document, etc. in Base.

It's also worth considering using Flash to serialize data using its SharedObject. SharedObjects are like cookies, but they can store more data and don't round-trip every request. Really depends on your use case I guess. Dojo has done a bunch of work in this area and have documented workarounds for the bugs.


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