> Hi,


> I'm trying to move DOM elements via "style.left=X" etc on mouseMove
> events but find it slow because the performance is dependent on the
> number and complexity of DOM elements on the page.

Yes that seems pretty logical.

> I did some timing, time between mouseMove events was 20ms when there
> was no "style.left=X" and was about 60ms when there was a
> "style.left=X".

60ms is not enough for your use ? That's around 15 moves by seconds,
that looks usable.

> I have looked into both DOM depth as well as number of total DOM
> elements.
> I have also looked into IFraming in order to contain the moving
> element, it seems to work performance-wise but it has its limitations.

I'd be interested to see your work around that.

> I tried using Mochikit's setattribute/updateattribute but that is even
> slower than "style.left=X".
> Does anybody have any hinters as to what I can do to speed up
> performance?

For now not really. I tried to look at performance with DragAndDrop but
it revealed to be a hard task. Could you post an example of the problem
you encounter ?
Dragging with Web Interface is mainly an hack, even though it can work
pretty well. If you can't live with the performance problem, you should
look to 'heavier' interfaces (maybe XUL ?)


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