hi ,  i have a compatibility problem with Mochikit and Internet
Exploer. This script create dinamycally a text input and button for
uploading files. It works with Mozilla but not with IE. If anybody can
tell me why it would be great!! The script is:

function createNext(node){
parent = node.parentNode;
childs = MochiKit.DOM.getElementsByTagAndClassName("input", null ,

lastChild = getLastChild(childs)
MochiKit.DOM.appendChildNodes(parent, MochiKit.DOM.createDOM('br'))
MochiKit.DOM.appendChildNodes(parent, MochiKit.DOM.createDOM('br'))
newNode = lastChild.cloneNode(true)
//newNode = updateNodeAttributes(newNode, {'value' : '' })
newNode.value = ''
newNode = MochiKit.DOM.appendChildNodes(parent, newNode)

function getLastChild(elementsList){
return elementsList[elementsList.length-1]

thanks anyway ;)

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