On 7/16/07, MerlinTheCat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi, I'm well versed in JS - but I've been struggling to understand
> MochiKit for a couple of days... help from anyone who can clear my
> brainblock would be appreciated. Thanks.
> I'm trying to add a form on the page dynamically. The H1 and [object
> Object] form? gets displayed on the page... but I can't see the form
> or access any of it's fields or submit it???
> Here's my code:
> MochiKit.DOM.withWindow(self.window, MochiKit.Base.bind( function() {
>         var doc = MochiKit.DOM.currentDocument();
>         MochiKit.DOM.appendChildNodes(doc.body, H1(null,"This gets added
> OK"));
>         var formObj = MochiKit.DOM.FORM({"id":"myForm",
> "action":"test01.asp", "method":"post"}, {"inputs": [{"type":"text",
> "id":"field1", "name":"field1", "value":"newval"}, {"type":"submit",
> "name":"mySubmit", "value":"mySubmit"}]});
>         MochiKit.DOM.appendChildNodes(doc.body, formObj);
> alert(doc.body.formObj.field1);  // this indicates undefined?
> alert(doc.formObj.field1);  // this indicates undefined?
> }, this));

That's because the code you wrote doesn't make any sense. {"inputs": [
... ]} isn't going to do anything. You need to do the same thing
you're doing with FORM, except with INPUT.

FORM(attrs, INPUT(attrs), INPUT(attrs), ...)


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