On 10 Ago, 17:20, "Karl Guertin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I know that the select control was completely rewritten in IE7 (you
> can find an entry in the IE blog saying as much). As for workarounds,
> I'd suggest trying with innerHTML and, failing that, wrap it with a
> div and swapDOM the div. Nothing elegant, but workarounds tend to be
> that way.

tried to swap the whole div but still not working as the problem is
the DOM Select which is bad implemented in IE6 (I suppose).
I solved following "the old style" though I had to give up with
Mochikit elegant DOM functions:

//this is the problematic SELECT
//get the length of JSON data list which will fill my SELECT
//get the length of options vector at present
//set length=0 to clean the present options
//cycling the options setting them to null does not work
//fill the options array with JSON data
for (j=0; j<l; j++) {
sel.options[j]=new Option(analist.data[j], analist.storici[j]);

This seems to work in both browsers.

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