When I first looked at your function I completely missed the
significance of this line:
    myAttrs[args[pos]] = arguments[pos];
and thought that argument was only for specifying which attributes are
required.  Having looked at it again, I now understand how it allows
for CHECKBOX("myName") syntax.

Even so however, your function will not result in the same
createINPUTs as mine.  Consider this:
    myCHECKBOX();                                      // works
    myCHECKBOX("myName");                    // works
    myCHECKBOX({"name":"myName"});   // works

    yourCHECKBOX();                                    // does not
    yourCHECKBOX("myName");                  // works
    yourCHECKBOX({"name":"myName"}); // does not work

There are two key differences:
1) nothing is "required" in my version, whereas every scalar argument
is required in your version
2) my version only goes in to the "scalar argument logic branch" if
the arguments are scalar; your version assumes they are and breaks (or
does something weird, I haven't tested) if they aren't.

However, I still agree that it's silly to have a separate
createINPUTFunc function when you already have this other one.  I just
think it's worth adding an extra argument to your function to allow
specifying of scalar arguments without requiring them or invalidating
the standard syntax.


On Jun 12, 12:21 pm, "Per Cederberg" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If I understand you correctly, I think createDOMFuncExt already
> accomodates this:
> CHECKBOX = createDOMFuncExt(null, "input", ["name"], { type: "checkbox" });
> HIDDEN = createDOMFuncExt(null, "input", ["name", "value"], { type: "hidden" 
> });
> I'm using this to create SVG functions with required parameters (such
> as 'x' and 'y' coordinates and similar).
> Cheers,
> /Per
> On Thu, Jun 12, 2008 at 6:13 PM, machineghost <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I really like your idea of making the creation of the input functions
> > more generalized.  However, if we wanted to preserve the:
> > CHECKBOX("myNameIsBox1") ==
> > <input type="checkbox" name="myNameIsBox1"/>
> > functionality we'd need a slight modification to createDOMFuncExt.
> > Specifically, we'd need one more argument that let's you specify a
> > "default attribute"; if a default attribute was specified and a
> > createDOMFuncExt function was only passed a single scalar (string or
> > number) argument, it would treat it as if it had been passed
> > {*defaultAttribute*:arguments[0]}; here's a quick (untested) draft of
> > what I mean ...
> > MochiKit.DOM.createDOMFuncExt = function(ns, tag, args, attrs,
> > defaultAttr/*, ...*/) {
> >    args = args || [];
> >    attrs = attrs || {};
> >    var children = MochiKit.Base.extend([], arguments, 4);
> >    return function(/*arg1, ..., argN, attrs, ...*/) {
> >        var myAttrs = MochiKit.Base.update({}, attrs);
> >        for (var pos = 0; pos < args.length; pos++) {
> >            if (arguments[pos] == null) {
> >                throw new Error("Argument '" + args[pos] + "' cannot
> > be null");
> >            }
> >            myAttrs[args[pos]] = arguments[pos];
> >        }
> >        if(arguments.length == 1 && typeof(defaultArgument) !=
> > undefined &&
> >            (typeof(arguments[0]) == "string" || typeof(arguments[0])
> > == "number")) {
> >            myAttrs[defaultArgument] = arguments[0];
> >            return MochiKit.DOM.createDOMExt(ns, tag, myAttrs);
> >       } else {
> >            MochiKit.Base.update(myAttrs, arguments[args.length]);
> >            var myChildren = MochiKit.Base.extend([], children);
> >            MochiKit.Base.extend(myChildren, arguments, args.length +
> > 1);
> >            return MochiKit.DOM.createDOMExt(ns, tag, myAttrs,
> > myChildren);
> >    }
> > }
> > If we had that, then we could do:
> >    HIDDEN = createDOMFuncExt(null, "input", null, { type: "hidden" },
> > "name");
> >    CHECKBOX = createDOMFuncExt(null, "input", null, { type:
> > "checkbox" }, "name");
> > and even:
> >    FORMBUTTON = createDOMFuncExt(null, "input", null, { type:
> > "button" }, "value");
> >    SUBMIT = createDOMFuncExt(null, "input", null, { type: "button" },
> > "value");
> > since buttons and submits generally don't have names as often as the
> > INPUTs that actually receive input.
> > We could even go further down this path, and make defaultArgument in
> > to defaultArguments, an array of default arguments that would get set
> > if the arguments length was the number of default arguments or less
> > and all arguments were scalar.  If we did that we, could even do:
> >    HIDDEN = createDOMFuncExt(null, "input", null, { type: "hidden" },
> > ["name", "value"]);
> > and then do:
> > HIDDEN("myName", "myValue");
> > On the flip side, I don't know that we really *need* any shorthand
> > syntax at all.  I just think the syntax is cool in the createDOM
> > functions, and could be similarly cool for the createINPUTs.  I mean,
> > which looks better:
> > 1) var a = INPUT({"type":"hidden", "name":"myName",
> > "value":"myValue"});
> > 2) var a = HIDDEN({"name":"myName", "value":"myValue"});
> > 3) var a = HIDDEN("myName", "myValue");
> > Personally, I'd much rather have #3 in my code, especially if I'm
> > making a lot of INPUTs at the same time.
> > Jeremy
> > On Jun 11, 12:05 am, "Per Cederberg" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> The tab indentation is now fixed in svn trunk [1384].
> >> Regarding the createINPUT and createINPUTFunc functions, I think it
> >> would be better with a more generic solution. When creating SVG DOM
> >> nodes I wrote a createDOMFuncExt function that should work here also.
> >> Seehttp://trac.mochikit.com/wiki/MochiKitDOMExtensionsforthe source
> >> code.
> >> Using that function, the partial versions would instead look like:
> >>   FORMBUTTON = createDOMFuncExt(null, "input", null, { type: "button" });
> >>   CHECKBOX = createDOMFuncExt(null, "input", null, { type: "checkbox" });
> >> Or if you think form elements should always be provided with a name 
> >> attribute:
> >>   FORMBUTTON = createDOMFuncExt(null, "input", ["name"], { type: "button" 
> >> });
> >>   CHECKBOX = createDOMFuncExt(null, "input", ["name"], { type: "checkbox" 
> >> });
> >> Either way, I'd like to push this to MochiKit 1.5. I'm currently
> >> mostly doing bug fixes in svn trunk so that we can get to a release of
> >> 1.4 as soon as possible.
> >> Cheers,
> >> /Per
> >> On Tue, Jun 10, 2008 at 10:37 PM, machineghost <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> > I mentioned the idea of a createINPUT function awhile ago, but no one
> >> > seemed terribly interested so I've been slacking on submitting it.
> >> > However, I think a lot of createDOM fans could find createINPUT
> >> > similarly useful, and with the recent flurry of submissions I figured
> >> > now was as good of a time as any to submit it.
> >> > For those of you who missed my previous posts, the idea behind
> >> > createINPUT (and all of its partial versions) is to do the same thing
> >> > for the different sub-types of INPUT that createDOM did for every
> >> > other element, as these sub-types are practically different elements.
> >> > So, with (the various partial forms of) createINPUT, you can do stuff
> >> > like:
> >> > var oldWay = INPUT({"type":"hidden"});
> >> > var newWay = HIDDEN();
> >> > // oldWay.outerHTML == newWay.outerHTML
> >> > var oldWay2 = INPUT({"type":"text", "name":"someName"});
> >> > var newWay2 = TEXT("someName");
> >> > // oldWay2.outerHTML == newWay2.outerHTML
> >> > var oldWay2 = INPUT({"type":"checkbox", "name":"someName",
> >> > "class":"someClass"});
> >> > var newWay2 = CHECKBOX({"name":"someName", "class":"someClass"});
> >> > // oldWay2.outerHTML == newWay2.outerHTML
> >> > Since there is already an HTML element called button, I named the
> >> > <INPUT type="button"> function "FORMBUTTON"; the rest of the aliases
> >> > are just their type .toUpperCase().
> >> > Here's the diff:
> >> > 32a33,34
> >> >>     "createINPUT",
> >> >>     "createINPUTFunc",
> >> > 83a86,95
> >> >>     "FORMBUTTON",
> >> >>     "CHECKBOX",
> >> >>     "FILE",
> >> >>     "HIDDEN",
> >> >>     "IMAGE",
> >> >>     "PASSWORD",
> >> >>     "RADIO",
> >> >>     "RESET",
> >> >>     "TEXT",
> >> >>     "SUBMIT",
> >> > 627a640,658
> >> >>     /** @id MochiKit.DOM.createINPUTFunc */
> >> >>     createINPUT: function (type, otherattrs) {
> >> >>         var m = MochiKit.Base;
> >> >>         if (typeof(otherattrs) == "string" || typeof(otherattrs) == 
> >> >> "number")
> >> >>             return MochiKit.DOM.createDOM("input", {"name":otherattrs, 
> >> >> "type":type});
> >> >>         return MochiKit.DOM.createDOM("input", m.update(otherattrs, 
> >> >> {"type":type}));
> >> >>     },
> >> >>     /** @id MochiKit.DOM.createINPUTFunc */
> >> >>     createINPUTFunc: function (/* type, otherattrs */) {
> >> >>         var m = MochiKit.Base;
> >> >>         return m.partial.apply(
> >> >>             this,
> >> >>             m.extend([MochiKit.DOM.createINPUT], arguments)
> >> >>         );
> >> >>     },
> >> > 1254a1286,1306
> >> >>         var createINPUTFunc = this.createINPUTFunc;
> >> >>         /** @id MochiKit.DOM.FORMBUTTON =  */
> >> >>         this.FORMBUTTON = createINPUTFunc("button");
> >> >>         /** @id MochiKit.DOM.CHECKBOX */
> >> >>         this.CHECKBOX = createINPUTFunc("checkbox");
> >> >>         /** @id MochiKit.DOM.FILE */
> >> >>         this.FILE = createINPUTFunc("file");
> >> >>         /** @id MochiKit.DOM.HIDDEN */
> >> >>         this.HIDDEN = createINPUTFunc("hidden");
> >> >>         /** @id MochiKit.DOM.IMAGE */
> >> >>         this.IMAGE = createINPUTFunc("image");
> >> >>         /** @id MochiKit.DOM.PASSWORD */
> >> >>         this.PASSWORD = createINPUTFunc("password");
> >> >>         /** @id MochiKit.DOM.RADIO */
> >> >>         this.RADIO = createINPUTFunc("radio");
> >> >>         /** @id MochiKit.DOM.RESET */
> >> >>         this.RESET = createINPUTFunc("reset");
> >> >>         /** @id MochiKit.DOM.TEXT */
> >> >>         this.TEXT = createINPUTFunc("text");
> >> >>         /** @id MochiKit.DOM.SUBMIT */
> >> >>         this.SUBMIT = createINPUTFunc("submit");
> >> > Also, while I was working in DOM.js I noticed that the entire file
> >> > uses spaces, EXCEPT for three tabs; the following diff converts these
> >> > tabs to spaces:
> >> > 1181c1212
> >> > <               /** @id MochiKit.DOM.DL */
> >> > ---
> >> >>         /** @id MochiKit.DOM.DL */
> >> > 1183c1214
> >> > <               /** @id MochiKit.DOM.DT */
> >> > ---
> >> >>         /** @id MochiKit.DOM.DT */
> >> > 1185c1216
> >> > <               /** @id MochiKit.DOM.DD */
> >> > ---
> >> >>         /** @id MochiKit.DOM.DD */
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