Hey Jerry :)

On Tue, Dec 29, 2015 at 7:26 PM, Jerry Hicks <jhi...@camgian.com> wrote:
> Wondering what you might think about text messaging on Verizon's LTE with the 
> MC74XX modules?
> As I loosely understand things, Verizon requires a connection to their IPv6 
> VZWIMS network for text messaging on LTE to work.
> I can't seem to find anyone at Verizon able to give up useful information 
> regarding configuration/credentials to make it fly with the 
> MC7354/ModemManager setup we are developing with.

I have never really played with SMS over LTE-only in Verizon, truth be
told, and don't remember whether the QMI messaging requests say
something about how that should be handled. Does someone know
something about this?

> Shifting to CDMA operation, the MM messaging API works fine with the MC7354.

Oh, that's good :)

> If you think the MC74XX might improve our lot with respect to text messaging 
> we might make a shift.

No idea in that regard, sorry.

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