
I'm still working with Sierra Wireless MC7354 modem, this time with only LTE connection. My tests are made by using a signal attenuator with only one cell.

Bringing the modem al low signal levels I discovered two different cases:

* Case 1 - High signal - low signal - high signal (slowly) OK:

Modem state machine transist correctly (connected->disconnecting->enabled->searching->registered->connecting->connected)

* Case 2 - High signal - low signal - high signal (slowly) FAILURE:

This test case attempts to simulate something similar to the entrance/exit of a tunnel.

ModemManager state machine doesn't transist, it remains connected and the bearer doesn't disconnect. Reset MM service doesn't recover connection, only reset modem works.

But querying Modem by AT!GSTATUS? command, we can see that it is on RRC Idle indefinitely:

Current Time:  1518        Temperature: 40
Bootup Time:   0        Mode:        ONLINE
System mode:   LTE            PS state:    Attached
LTE band:      B13            LTE bw:      5 MHz
LTE Rx chan:   5230        LTE Tx chan: 23230
EMM state:     Registered         No Cell
RRC state:     RRC Idle
IMS reg state: No Srv

RSSI (dBm):    -87        Tx Power:    0
RSRP (dBm):    -106        TAC:         0001 (1)
RSRQ (dB):     -6        Cell ID:     00000100 (256)
SINR (dB):     19.2

MM log between RRC connected and RRC Idle states:

ModemManager[11185]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Received message (translated)...
>>>>>> QMUX:
>>>>>>   length  = 31
>>>>>>   flags   = 0x80
>>>>>>   service = "nas"
>>>>>>   client  = 2
>>>>>> QMI:
>>>>>>   flags       = "response"
>>>>>>   transaction = 14
>>>>>>   tlv_length  = 19
>>>>>>   message     = "Get Signal Strength" (0x0020)
>>>>>> TLV:
>>>>>>   type       = "Result" (0x02)
>>>>>>   length     = 4
>>>>>>   value      = 00:00:00:00
>>>>>>   translated = SUCCESS
>>>>>> TLV:
>>>>>>   type       = "Signal Strength" (0x01)
>>>>>>   length     = 2
>>>>>>   value      = 9E:08
>>>>>>   translated = [ strength = '-98' radio_interface = 'lte' ]
>>>>>> TLV:
>>>>>>   type       = "Strength List" (0x10)
>>>>>>   length     = 4
>>>>>>   value      = 01:00:83:02
>>>>>> translated = { [0] = '[ strength = '-125' radio_interface = 'cdma-1xevdo' ] '} ModemManager[11185]: <debug> [1461671245.821746] [mm-broadband-modem-qmi.c:2841] signal_strength_get_quality_and_access_tech(): Signal strength (lte): -98 dBm ModemManager[11185]: <debug> [1461671245.821772] [mm-broadband-modem-qmi.c:2860] signal_strength_get_quality_and_access_tech(): Signal strength (cdma-1xevdo): -125 dBm ModemManager[11185]: <debug> [1461671245.821794] [mm-broadband-modem-qmi.c:2874] signal_strength_get_quality_and_access_tech(): Signal strength: -98 dBm --> 25% ModemManager[11185]: <debug> [1461671245.821866] [mm-iface-modem.c:1204] update_signal_quality(): Modem /org/freedesktop/ModemManager1/Modem/0: signal quality updated (25)
ModemManager[11185]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Received message...
>>>>>> RAW:
>>>>>>   length = 42
>>>>>> data = 01:29:00:80:01:09:02:05:00:24:00:1D:00:02:04:00:00:00:00:00:1A:08:00:D8:09:00:00:00:00:00:00:19:08:00:E1:18:00:00:00:00:00:00
ModemManager[11185]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Received message (translated)...
>>>>>> QMUX:
>>>>>>   length  = 41
>>>>>>   flags   = 0x80
>>>>>>   service = "wds"
>>>>>>   client  = 9
>>>>>> QMI:
>>>>>>   flags       = "response"
>>>>>>   transaction = 5
>>>>>>   tlv_length  = 29
>>>>>>   message     = "Get Packet Statistics" (0x0024)
>>>>>> TLV:
>>>>>>   type       = "Result" (0x02)
>>>>>>   length     = 4
>>>>>>   value      = 00:00:00:00
>>>>>>   translated = SUCCESS
>>>>>> TLV:
>>>>>>   type       = "Rx Bytes Ok" (0x1a)
>>>>>>   length     = 8
>>>>>>   value      = D8:09:00:00:00:00:00:00
>>>>>>   translated = 2520
>>>>>> TLV:
>>>>>>   type       = "Tx Bytes Ok" (0x19)
>>>>>>   length     = 8
>>>>>>   value      = E1:18:00:00:00:00:00:00
>>>>>>   translated = 6369
ModemManager[11185]: <debug> [1461671250.815327] [mm-port-serial.c:1288] mm_port_serial_open(): (ttyUSB2) device open count is 2 (open) ModemManager[11185]: <debug> [1461671250.815749] [mm-port-serial-at.c:459] debug_log(): (ttyUSB2): --> 'AT!GSTATUS?<CR>' ModemManager[11185]: <debug> [1461671250.932135] [mm-port-serial-at.c:459] debug_log(): (ttyUSB2): <-- '<CR><LF>!GSTATUS: <CR><LF>Current Time: 1506\9\9Temperature: 40<CR><LF>Bootup Time: 0\9\9Mode: ONLINE <CR><LF>System mode: LTE \9PS state: Attached <CR><LF>LTE band: B13 \9\9LTE bw: 5 MHz <CR><LF>LTE Rx chan: 5230\9\9LTE Tx chan: 23230<CR><LF>EMM state: Registered \9Normal Service <CR><LF>RRC state: RRC Connected <CR><LF>IMS reg state: No Srv \9\9<CR><LF><CR><LF>RSSI (dBm): -98\9\9Tx Power: 0<CR><LF>RSRP (dBm): -126\9\9TAC: 0001 (1)<CR><LF>RSRQ (dB): -9\9\9Cell ID: 00000100 (256)<CR><LF>SINR (dB): 0.2<CR><LF><CR><LF><CR><LF>OK<CR><LF>' ModemManager[11185]: <debug> [1461671250.932764] [mm-port-serial.c:1345] _close_internal(): (ttyUSB2) device open count is 1 (close) ModemManager[11185]: <debug> [1461671256.942383] [mm-port-serial.c:1288] mm_port_serial_open(): (ttyUSB2) device open count is 2 (open) ModemManager[11185]: <debug> [1461671256.943353] [mm-port-serial-at.c:459] debug_log(): (ttyUSB2): --> 'AT!GSTATUS?<CR>' ModemManager[11185]: <debug> [1461671257.061151] [mm-port-serial-at.c:459] debug_log(): (ttyUSB2): <-- '<CR><LF>!GSTATUS: <CR><LF>Current Time: 1512\9\9Temperature: 40<CR><LF>Bootup Time: 0\9\9Mode: ONLINE <CR><LF>System mode: LTE \9PS state: Attached <CR><LF>LTE band: B13 \9\9LTE bw: 5 MHz <CR><LF>LTE Rx chan: 5230\9\9LTE Tx chan: 23230<CR><LF>EMM state: Registered \9Normal Service <CR><LF>RRC state: RRC Connected <CR><LF>IMS reg state: No Srv \9\9<CR><LF><CR><LF>RSSI (dBm): -98\9\9Tx Power: 0<CR><LF>RSRP (dBm): -122\9\9TAC: 0001 (1)<CR><LF>RSRQ (dB): -14\9\9Cell ID: 00000100 (256)<CR><LF>SINR (dB): 2.6<CR><LF><CR><LF><CR><LF>OK<CR><LF>' ModemManager[11185]: <debug> [1461671257.061991] [mm-port-serial.c:1345] _close_internal(): (ttyUSB2) device open count is 1 (close)
ModemManager[11185]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Received message...
>>>>>> RAW:
>>>>>>   length = 50
>>>>>> data = 01:31:00:80:03:02:04:00:00:24:00:25:00:29:05:00:A8:01:A8:01:01:12:0C:00:A8:01:A8:01:07:34:32:34:2D:34:32:34:11:02:00:01:0B:01:06:00:01:01:01:02:01:08
ModemManager[11185]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Received message (translated)...
>>>>>> QMUX:
>>>>>>   length  = 49
>>>>>>   flags   = 0x80
>>>>>>   service = "nas"
>>>>>>   client  = 2
>>>>>> QMI:
>>>>>>   flags       = "indication"
>>>>>>   transaction = 0
>>>>>>   tlv_length  = 37
>>>>>>   message     = "Serving System" (0x0024)
>>>>>> TLV:
>>>>>>   type       = "MNC PCS Digit Include Status" (0x29)
>>>>>>   length     = 5
>>>>>>   value      = A8:01:A8:01:01
>>>>>> translated = [ mcc = '424' mnc = '424' includes_pcs_digit = 'yes' ]
>>>>>> TLV:
>>>>>>   type       = "Current PLMN" (0x12)
>>>>>>   length     = 12
>>>>>>   value      = A8:01:A8:01:07:34:32:34:2D:34:32:34
>>>>>>   translated = [ mcc = '424' mnc = '424' description = '424-424' ]
>>>>>> TLV:
>>>>>>   type       = "Data Service Capability" (0x11)
>>>>>>   length     = 2
>>>>>>   value      = 01:0B
>>>>>>   translated = { [0] = 'lte '}
>>>>>> TLV:
>>>>>>   type       = "Serving System" (0x01)
>>>>>>   length     = 6
>>>>>>   value      = 01:01:01:02:01:08
>>>>>> translated = [ registration_state = 'registered' cs_attach_state = 'attached' ps_attach_state = 'attached' selected_network = '3gpp' radio_interfaces = '{ [0] = 'lte '}' ] ModemManager[11185]: <debug> [1461671260.670856] [mm-broadband-modem-qmi.c:4607] common_process_serving_system_3gpp(): Processing 3GPP info... ModemManager[11185]: <info> [1461671260.671082] [mm-iface-modem-3gpp.c:1171] update_registration_state(): Modem /org/freedesktop/ModemManager1/Modem/0: 3GPP Registration state changed (roaming -> registering) ModemManager[11185]: <info> [1461671260.671336] [mm-iface-modem-3gpp.c:1096] update_registration_reload_current_registration_info_ready(): Modem /org/freedesktop/ModemManager1/Modem/0: 3GPP Registration state changed (registering -> home) ModemManager[11185]: <debug> [1461671263.072413] [mm-port-serial.c:1288] mm_port_serial_open(): (ttyUSB2) device open count is 2 (open) ModemManager[11185]: <debug> [1461671263.072658] [mm-port-serial-at.c:459] debug_log(): (ttyUSB2): --> 'AT!GSTATUS?<CR>' ModemManager[11185]: <debug> [1461671263.092805] [mm-port-serial-at.c:459] debug_log(): (ttyUSB2): <-- '<CR><LF>!GSTATUS: <CR><LF>Current Time: 1518\9\9Temperature: 40<CR><LF>Bootup Time: 0\9\9Mode: ONLINE <CR><LF>System mode: LTE \9PS state: Attached <CR><LF>LTE band: B13 \9\9LTE bw: 5 MHz <CR><LF>LTE Rx chan: 5230\9\9LTE Tx chan: 23230<CR><LF>EMM state: Registered \9No Cell <CR><LF>RRC state: RRC Idle <CR><LF>IMS reg state: No Srv \9\9<CR><LF><CR><LF>RSSI (dBm): -87\9\9Tx Power: 0<CR><LF>RSRP (dBm): -106\9\9TAC: 0001 (1)<CR><LF>RSRQ (dB): -6\9\9Cell ID: 00000100 (256)<CR><LF>SINR (dB): 19.2<CR><LF><CR><LF><CR><LF>OK<CR><LF>' ModemManager[11185]: <debug> [1461671263.093076] [mm-port-serial.c:1345] _close_internal(): (ttyUSB2) device open count is 1 (close)
ModemManager[11185]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Received message...
>>>>>> RAW:
>>>>>>   length = 18
>>>>>>   data   = 01:11:00:80:03:02:04:00:00:02:00:05:00:10:02:00:B5:08
ModemManager[11185]: [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Received message (translated)...
>>>>>> QMUX:
>>>>>>   length  = 17
>>>>>>   flags   = 0x80
>>>>>>   service = "nas"
>>>>>>   client  = 2
>>>>>> QMI:
>>>>>>   flags       = "indication"
>>>>>>   transaction = 0
>>>>>>   tlv_length  = 5
>>>>>>   message     = "Event Report" (0x0002)
>>>>>> TLV:
>>>>>>   type       = "Signal Strength" (0x10)
>>>>>>   length     = 2
>>>>>>   value      = B5:08
>>>>>>   translated = [ strength = '-75' radio_interface = 'lte' ]
ModemManager[11185]: <debug> [1461671266.334031] [mm-broadband-modem-qmi.c:7030] event_report_indication_cb(): Signal strength indication (lte): -75 dBm --> 62% ModemManager[11185]: <debug> [1461671266.334135] [mm-iface-modem.c:1204] update_signal_quality(): Modem /org/freedesktop/ModemManager1/Modem/0: signal quality updated (62)

Diego López
ModemManager-devel mailing list

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