> On 22 May 2017 at 13:43 Aleksander Morgado <aleksan...@aleksander.es> wrote:
> ---
> Hey Colin,
> Please try now with this v3 patch. I modified the helper method to allow the 
> comma-separated number sequence you get in your EHS5 for the modes, i.e.: 
> "(1,2)". The regex wasn't catching that logic, so instead of complicating it 
> too much, I switched to splitting the response into groups and then parsing 
> the groups we want independently.
> See if you get +CMER setting correctly run now.
> Cheers!

Log follows.
But do bear in mind that I don't have any conviction about what 'CMER' the EHS5 
actually supports, because it's AT doc doesn't mention the command at all - by 
rights it shouldn't even respond at all to the '?'.
I've asked the question of my support Gemalto contacts.

(I notice though that it's sending a "AT+CMER=3,0,0,2" despite that 4th '2' 
param not having been reported as supported?)

May 22 14:37:12 wg daemon.info ModemManager[832]: <debug> [1495460232.164450] 
[src/mm-port-serial-at.c:459] debug_log(): (ttyMux1): --> 'AT+CMER=?<CR>'
May 22 14:37:12 wg daemon.info ModemManager[832]: <debug> [1495460232.175737] 
[src/mm-port-serial-at.c:459] debug_log(): (ttyMux1): <-- 'AT+CMER'
May 22 14:37:12 wg daemon.info ModemManager[832]: <debug> [1495460232.178586] 
[src/mm-port-serial-at.c:459] debug_log(): (ttyMux1): <-- '=?<CR>'
May 22 14:37:12 wg daemon.info ModemManager[832]: <debug> [1495460232.195888] 
[src/mm-port-serial-at.c:459] debug_log(): (ttyMux1): <-- '<CR><LF>+CMER: 
May 22 14:37:12 wg daemon.info ModemManager[832]: <debug> [1495460232.198338] 
[src/mm-port-serial-at.c:459] debug_log(): (ttyMux1): <-- '<CR><LF>OK<CR><LF>'
May 22 14:37:12 wg daemon.info ModemManager[832]: <debug> [1495460232.198934] 
[src/mm-broadband-modem.c:2644] cmer_format_check_ready(): Supported +CMER 
modes: discard-urcs-if-link-reserved, buffer-urcs-if-link-reserved
May 22 14:37:12 wg daemon.info ModemManager[832]: <debug> [1495460232.199199] 
[src/mm-broadband-modem.c:2648] cmer_format_check_ready(): Supported +CMER 
indication settings: disable, enable-not-caused-by-cind
May 22 14:37:12 wg daemon.info ModemManager[832]: <debug> [1495460232.199496] 
[src/mm-broadband-modem.c:2610] set_unsolicited_events_handlers(): (ttyMux1) 
Setting 3GPP unsolicited events handlers
May 22 14:37:12 wg daemon.info ModemManager[832]: <debug> [1495460232.199818] 
[src/mm-port-serial.c:1252] mm_port_serial_open(): (ttyMux1) device open count 
is 3 (open)
May 22 14:37:12 wg daemon.info ModemManager[832]: <debug> [1495460232.200189] 
[src/mm-port-serial.c:1309] _close_internal(): (ttyMux1) device open count is 2 
May 22 14:37:12 wg daemon.info ModemManager[832]: <debug> [1495460232.200551] 
[src/mm-port-serial-at.c:459] debug_log(): (ttyMux1): --> 'AT+CMER=3,0,0,2<CR>'
May 22 14:37:12 wg daemon.info ModemManager[832]: <debug> [1495460232.218905] 
[src/mm-port-serial-at.c:459] debug_log(): (ttyMux1): <-- 'AT+CMER=3,'
May 22 14:37:12 wg daemon.info ModemManager[832]: <debug> [1495460232.221605] 
[src/mm-port-serial-at.c:459] debug_log(): (ttyMux1): <-- '0,0,2<CR>'
May 22 14:37:12 wg daemon.info ModemManager[832]: <debug> [1495460232.235429] 
[src/mm-port-serial-at.c:459] debug_log(): (ttyMux1): <-- 
May 22 14:37:12 wg daemon.info ModemManager[832]: <debug> [1495460232.235851] 
[src/mm-serial-parsers.c:364] mm_serial_parser_v1_parse(): Got failure code 
100: Unknown error
May 22 14:37:12 wg daemon.info ModemManager[832]: <debug> [1495460232.236139] 
[src/mm-iface-modem-3gpp.c:1667] enable_unsolicited_events_ready(): Enabling 
unsolicited events failed: 'Unknown error'
May 22 14:37:12 wg daemon.info ModemManager[832]: <debug> [1495460232.237860] 
modem_3gpp_setup_unsolicited_registration_events(): (ttyMux1) setting up 3GPP 
unsolicited registration messages handlers
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