On Wed, Aug 8, 2018 at 5:30 AM Aleksander Morgado
<aleksan...@aleksander.es> wrote:
> Hey all,
> I've now pushed an updated MR to suggest the Fibocom plugin, this time
> including a new "Icera-like" Intel XMM chipset detection. If the modem
> is found to be based on Intel XMM, supporting the "AT+X.." commands,
> then we will use them for things like mode switching. This updated MR
> includes mode/band selection as well as additional power related
> operations like "off" or "reset".
> The new XMM-specific operations are implemented in a "MMSharedXmm"
> interface, which is used by both the MMBroadbandXmm and
> MMBroadbandMbimXmm objects.
> https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/mobile-broadband/ModemManager/merge_requests/12
> Comments?

IIRC, Huawei ME936 is based on Intel XMM7160, but implements a
different set of AT commands that align mostly with other Huawei
modems. If you have such a modem, you may want to check if those AT+X*
commands exist and behave as expected.  I may be able to find one to
test and will let you know.

> --
> Aleksander
> https://aleksander.es
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