Dear all,

first of all - thank you very very much for your help and work.

I am meeting some difficulties in setting modes on a Quectel EC25 modem. while so far I 
was able to set modes to "any mode available, none preferred" in other modems, 
I am having some difficulties with this one.
The command
mmcli -m 1 --set-allowed-modes any --set-preferred-mode none
Results in a message like:
successfully set current modes in the modem

but retrieving the state again shows still:
current: allowed: 2g, 3g, 4g; preferred: 4g

I am using a libqmi snapshot with latest commit (I saw the addition of the NAS 
system selection so I tought it would be useful to try this out just in case, 
thank you again Aleksander!).

As a last resort, i tried also resetting modem to factory defaults:
mmcli -m 0 --factory-reset=...

obtaining the message
successfully reseted the modem to factory state
And then proceeding with mmcli -m 1 -r

(I also did power cycle the modem via GPIO).
I can attach the QMI log messages; to my eye they seem to confirm that all is 
well, but ...

Thank again,

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