
>> >>>> >> In our case we have switched the modem to mbim mode to be able to 
>> >>>> >> receive / be aware of sim removal notifications.
>> >>>> >>
>> >>>>
>> >>>> > Didn't we already add the SIM removal notifications in QMI modems?
>> >>>> > Have you tried with ModemManager git master recently?
>> >>>>
>> >>>
>> >>> Since which version are SIM removal notifications active for QMI modems 
>> >>> ?  I am not sure if our system will support the latest MM release.
>> >>> Is it ModemManager 1.16.0 ? 
>> >>> https://github.com/freedesktop/ModemManager/blob/master/NEWS#L111
>> >>>
>> >>
>> >>You can try with 1.16.0 or 1.16.2, yes.
> As I am using Yocto and it seems it just supports MM until 1.12.12 I believe 
> I will need to wait to use this functionality with QMI.

There should be no reason why you cannot use a newer release, you just
need to update the Yocto recipe.

>> >>
>> >>>>
>> >>>> >> Are QMI WDS indications still received when modem is in MBIM mode?
>> >>>> >>
>> >>>>
>> >>>> > No, but you would get "Basic Connect" "Connect" "Notification"
>> >>>> > messages, or at least that's what should happen when network-initiated
>> >>>> > disconnections happen.
>> >>>
>> >>>
>> >>> I am not sure I understand this correctly, what is the notification 
>> >>> received when modem gets disconnected ? Is it a "Disconnected" 
>> >>> notification or just a transition from "Connected" to "Registered" ?
>> >>>
>> >>
>> >>If using the MBIM protocol, what you receive upon a network-initiated
>> >>disconnection would be a "Notification" of type "Connect" (that's just
>> >>the message name) in the "Basic Connect" service specifying that the
>> >>"activation state" field is "deactivated"
>> >>
>> >>See 
>> >>https://www.freedesktop.org/software/libmbim/libmbim-glib/latest/libmbim-glib-Basic-Connect.html#mbim-message-connect-notification-parse
> My modem (EM7455) is using MBIM protocol but I am controlling it with Modem 
> Manager, not with mbim-glib.
> Question here: Does this imply that I need to use mbim-glib to be aware of 
> these notifications ? Is it not possible to be aware of this notifications 
> via ModemManager High-level API ?
> https://www.freedesktop.org/software/ModemManager/doc/latest/libmm-glib/

ModemManager would be using the libmbim-glib library, and it would be
ModemManager getting that notification we talked about. Looking at
only the MM DBus API, what you would see is that the State of the
modem object goes from Connected to Registered/Searching/idle, and you
would see the Connected property in the bearer object going from TRUE

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