'graham smith is the coolest person alive' by the Kleenex Girl Wonder
in my opinion, is thee album of the year hands down. its sad more
people haven't heard it. the KGW is graham smith.. this is his
second CD and he also has a few 7"'s as well as two new
albums out soon (one under his own name on MoC the other on
March records(a dbl LP i heard??)). and this guy is only like 19..
some of the catchiest and intelligent pop songs i've heard. 
20 of them. the 'GSITCPA' album is consistantly great and diverse.
 it's on MoC. brilliant.

i can't make a top ten of the year yet since there are still a few
albums recently released i need to hear first(new karate, metronome,
silver jews, stereolab..) but other great releases are the albums
by tiara, boyish charms, princeton reverbs, and elliott smith.

no new smog album this year??? strange.


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