i've been wondering that myself...or rather, the number of MM fans who do.  i
hope you realize the statistical fallaciousness of taking a random sampling of
MM fans and applying it to the rest of indie rockdom.  especially given the
subject material and nature of MM (i.e. how many songs about drinking they
have...not to mention various amphetamines); but, all this logic aside, i'd
love to count myself among those who tokes and drinks--in fact, been drinkin'
seven and seven (seagram's 7 and 7-up, in case ya didn't know) and hitting the
bong all day.  in celebration of finishing midterms and the maryland vs. unc
game.  which, since we (or at least two of us) are on this off-topic topic,
how many people here actually like sports?  i wouldn't figure many, but i've
been suprised in the past......................

at any rate, sorry for the ridiculous post.  happy v-day to all.

In a message dated 99-02-13 19:27:42 EST, you write:

<< Hey, i don't post to this list very often but I was wondering if oyu 
 could help me out.  I'm doing a radio spot on indie rock.  I was 
 going to add in the statistic of people who listen to indie rock and 
 get stoned and or drunk.  I know this isn't very appropriate but it 
 is needed.  Thanks
                 Matt B >>

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