i imagine there are quite a few people on this list who would agree with the
idea that being stoned doesn't make one "stupid"... however, i think that it
DOES reflect some sort of nascent character that is magnified dramatically
while baked.  i've certainly known a ton of people who get stoned and get...
stupid.  back in high school, i simply figured that's how it was;
consequently, i avoided the shit like the plague (alcohol was A O.K.).  after
expanding my frame of reference beyond shithole southern baltimore, and
finding people who liked to read, listen to indie rock, and so forth i
realized that for every 10 "half-baked" stoners there's hopefully at least one
defies that stereotype.  

i guess the only "detrimental" effect i've noticed is that it's very difficult
to organize thoughts in a cohesive, logical, and progressive nature (i.e.
tangents abound).  while that's not good for writing a paper, i think some of
the most rewarding thinking i've done comes from these tangents.

don't wanna drag this on too long... bye.

p.s.  on the music thing--as somebody said (i think), being stoned makes
everything more personal or self-involved.  if the point of music is to convey
thoughts/emotions and make them personal for the listener, wouldn't something
(drug or otherwise) that intensifies personal experience be a desirable thing?

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