now, does being an indie rocker have anything to do w/ the way you dress. If
so, anyone can be an indie rocker. 
do you have to be devoted to indie rock to be an indie rocker?  what if i
like prince and michael jackson?

Maybe more or less it is a being. A state of mind. The music inspires you to
be and act a certain way.
I guess if you are in an indie rock band you are automatically one step up
on the indie rock ladder. but what if you don't consider your band indie
rock? Do you have to have certain urges as an indie
rocker? Like to go to the salvation army and to be into the arts of some form.
are you automatically restricted from being an indie rocker if you are the
vp of some company or like a car salesman or something.  can michael eisner
be indie rock?
what if i'm into the music, but i love to dress like a super slut or
what makes indie rock "indie"?
Maybe it will be coined indie, but indie no longer represents the word
Kind of like with Modern art. The art is no longer modern. but this whole
time frame is represented as modern. and what about post-modern art? by
definition post-modern art would be ANY art afterwards forever
i'm confused.
oh well

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