um yeah so i already wrote to christian personally before i realized 
this was on the i'll just recap: i would only do something 
(i.e. accuse isaac or stop listening to mm) if i *knew* this to be true, 
not just if it was alleged.  and it wouldn't be a matter of me not 
listening to something anymore that i still enjoyed, it's that i 
*wouldn't* enjoy it anymore.  because 1) it's just really fucken creepy 
to listen to a rapist's voice 2) i wouldn't be able to look at the music 
purely anymore, like wow this person is incredible, he's a genius--cos i 
would know he wasn't, and 3) because i personally believe as a 
feminist/humynist that it's wrong to support/associate with rapists, 
child molesters and abusers in any way.  and i didn't bring this up to 
spread a rumor but because duh i love modest mouse and i want to put it 
to rest if it's false.  
xoxo nicole

>Why not?  Why can't you listen to music that you enjoy just because
>one of the creators [allegedly] raped someone?  I can understand not
>wanting to purchase future CD's, but I think it would be silly to stop 
>listening to the ones you have.
>        christian

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