Ah, so I got to see Trans Am here in Dallas this Saturday. Very cool show.
There were two openers, The Champs. They were like instrumental metal, or as
I prefer to call it, "Heavy Mental". Kind of like Metallica without lyrics.
Then Pan Sonic, they were quite cool as well. No guitars, or anything like
that to muss things up. Very loud, bass heavy, kinda nouveau Kraftwerk. Then
of course Trans Am rocked the house!  They didn't do a whole lot from their
new album, which was fine by me. I can't really get into their vocals on
that album. But what they did do with the vocals was cool, it was definitely
better live than on the cd. And this friend that was with me there knew the
guy that was doing Trans Am's sound, and who also produced Futureworld. I
don't remember his last name, I just know his name was Johnathan. So, we met
up with him after the show, and hung out in the little room upstairs from
the stage. We smoked out with the guys from Pan Sonic, and the Champs, and
Trans Am was pretty much just in and out. I only got to talk to them for a
minute or two. Just complimented them on the show, and what not. Mentioned
how much my band is influenced by them. But not too much gushing, you know.
I had to play it cool. I was just in awe that I was actually hanging out
with these guys. We got invited to an after party, but my friend didn't want
to feel like he was riding Johnathan's coat tails. I don't know why, I
didn't care, I just wanted to go to the party. But, about halfway home, he
wised up and was like, "We should have gone to the party". No shit.... Oh,
and I saw Delta 72 in Denton Friday. That was a cool show.  They remind some
people of the Make Up, and a friend of ours mentioned that, and the guy
pointed to my friend who happened to be at that show also, and who got us in
with Trans Am and the bunch, and said, "That's your fault isn't it?" They
used to play together in D.C. and he knows about the rivalry between them
and the Make Up,  and he was like, "That wasn't me." It wasn't, but yeah, it
was his fault for mentioning it to the other guy. Anyway, it was funny.
guess you had to be there. There was also this other band called The Git
low. They were fucking insane. They played about six minutes, flailing,
falling down, swinging their guitars at the crowd, pushing them around. They
weren't even on the stage. They were out on the floor with everyone else. It
was crazy. Anyway, it was a very good weekend for shows. Also, Man or
Astroman? tonight in Denton. Fuck sleep, who needs it?


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