man.. i know we had this discussion back in december, but its so true, and
often times i forget how good the lyrics actually are, because i get so
caught up in listening to all these MM bootlegs, and its a sad thing to
say, but all the songs they play live hardly mean anything compared to all
the studio gems on long drive and many of the 7"'s. talking shit about a
pretty sunset still gets me every-time. its like.. isaac peers inside all
of these confused people and brings out what they are trying to say.. at
least for me. although im not really all that confused.. but i defintely
am not who i want to be, and i probably will not ever be. I have these
crazy goals, you know? to try and be uber-human, or to try and rise
somehow into a higher state of conscious thought, to observe and collect
information about the world around me and use it to understand why things
are the way they are, and isaac seems to want something quite similar. 
its a shame hes gotta be such a boozehag sometimes. youd think that, for
someone who seems to at least have an idea of what he wants out of life,
he could stay focused on it instead of getting fuckin' trashed all the
time instead. but, to each his own. 
so yeah.. talking shit. 
and oh hey.. everytime i listen to mechanical birds, theres that one part
where everything kinda stops and theres these two squeals, and then
everything kicks back in again. does this make anyone else tingle

hey alright i might be goddamned, 

On Tue, 8 Jun 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> kristin, 
>       i totally agree with you on the lyrics.  "talking shit about a pretty 
> sunset" is me to a T.  i always make my mind up and feel so sure about it, 
> and then later i completely change everything about me, right mark?
> nirra

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