If you want to talk about genius lyrics, I personally would include just 
about everything save for dog paddle, jesus christ . . ., and dirty 
fingernails. not that i don't like those songs (okay, i don't like jesus 
christ was an only child), they just seem a bit more tossed-off.
but if i had to pick one, it would be (and i am amazed no one has mentioned 
this one):

"let's all have another orange julius / thick syrup, standing in lines. / the 
malls are the soon-to-be ghost towns, well so long, farewell, goodbye . . . 
take 'em all for the long ride and you'll go downtown, no one wants to be 
uptight anymore / you can be ashamed and be so proud of what you've done . . "

there's just so much . . . sometimes (very often, actually) isaac absolutely 
amazes me . . . the profundity of so many of his lyrics is astounding.  i 
honestly, no bullshit, think is a genius poet who stands up to most any 
contemporary "proper" poet (including all those beat cats). . .there are few 
other modern-day musicians i would include in this category (mark kozelek of 
the red house painters springs to mind).  

sometimes, (and i don't mean this to sound negative at all; every experience 
i've had with isaac has been great, as with the rest of the band) it's hard 
to match the person with the work. 

just thinking aloud 

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