So, I finally heard some of the Tigermilk album.. Thanks to the miracles of
modern technology, MP3's,and I was going to check out the
Will Oldham live stuff,and noticed they have two B&S tracks from Tigermilk..
Electronic Renaissance, which reminds me a little of Arab Strap. (not
surprisingly) and Expectations.. A little more on the lines of If You're
Feeling Sinister.. No, I still haven't bought this damn album.. It's nearly
impossible for me to pay bills, rent, etc and buy all the stuff I need to
get.. I still buy at least five cd's a month, and still can't keep up with
all the good shit I need to get.. anyway, you guys should check out that
site.. Of course, I know you on Modest Mouse will already know about it,
since I got the link from the Mouse list. 


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