jyeah. good show last night. i don't know who played before them. the first
band i completely missed. i know there were about seven people on stage, but
the second band i got to check out. i don't remember what they were called.
i saw it on the poster on the wall.. which, i fucking forgot to snag. it was
a huge poster, and i was gonna take it, but.. i forgot.. ah well.. anyway,
the second band was really good. they sounded a whole lot like Trans Am. but
they had vocals on most of their stuff. and not the vocoder kind of stuff
like TA. i thought it was pretty obvious to everyone that they sounded just
like Trans Am, especially when they started playing them on the PA between
their set and June of 44. i was quite impressed with June. i hadn't seen
them before, and i kind of expected a quiet sedate affair. i was quite
wrong. they really fucking rocked! and the trumpet playing was cool. i
always dig trumpet. (one reason i like the new Stereolab so much) i dont
know any of the songs they did. i only recognized a couple as familiar. but,
i definitely liked the show. next up.. Low and Silver Scooter.


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