> does anyone think that the release date on the new compilation (oct. 16th, a
> saturday) is a bit weird?

Not just weird, but as far as I know, illegal.  I'm pretty certain it's
actually a law that albums in CD and tape format must be released on
Tuesday, and vinyl I believe is always released on Friday.  As far as I
know, this is to keep megastores that get the album early from
dominating the market by putting it on sale before the little stores. 
That's why they have those dumb "midnight sales" of Important New Albums
even though they've been in possession of the thing all day or longer.

And speaking of unusual music in unusual places, I've heard REM's
"Finest Worksong" (10 years old, never a hit, not even released as a
single as far as I know) in Taco Bell.  Also, if you'll notice, the
"incidental" music on MTV (the stuff that plays in the background on the
Real World, the stuff inbetween commercials, or in news segments or
whatever) is much better than the non-incidental music they play.  I've
heard a lot of Sonic Youth, Underworld, Tricky, and even once heard
Trans Am.

And the other night, I was driving home at about 3 in the morning, on my
way from a reasonably big redneck city (Knoxville) to my home which is
in a very small redneck town and for whatever reason I decided to listen
to the radio.  All of a sudden I heard Belle and Sebastian, which
freaked me out, and after it was Cat Power, and I was getting all
excited and "wow, indie rock in the middle of nowhere"...

...and it turned out to be NPR's "Ark over Night" or whatever it's
called.  Damn.

np:Mogwai, "cody"
...extensive liner notes and make-believe alien languages...
Rev. Jack Godsey.

Spiritual counsel and webmaster for Pegasi 51.

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