<<With all due respect to everybody, I did not sign up to the Modest
Mouse mailing list to find out why everybody hates or does not hate Sonic
Youth or when Red Stars Theory are playing next in Possum Ridge, Arkansas.>>

um...i did.  i would love to know any time red stars theory plays.  
technically, they can be linked to mouse (jeremy), not to mention a link to 
764 hero, which can be linked back to mouse...six degrees and all.  so i 
think it counts.  for that matter, i'd like to read about 764 hero every now 
and again.  and besides, its not like there is modest mouse news every 
frikkin day!  gotta have something to yap about. so all of you sonic tooth 
fans can yip yip (oh i love robin hitchcock) as much as you want.  oh and i 
wonder if i will see any of you non burning airlines fans at the upcoming 
show in boston?  and why oh why can't centromatic play that show with them?  
i had the rare chance to see them at trees last year with baboon (who is 
absoultely fab-o) and i loved them to bits.  oh, and the other day, i was 
listening to the new june of 44 and was reminded of baboon because of the 
trumpets.  lovely.  oh wait...has anyone heard the new quasi?  i think it's 
nice, but it sounds like the last quasi.  come to think of it, it sounds like 
the one before that too.  hmmm.  

hhe. well...that whole thing had nothing to do with modest mouse.  droppin 

now on with the actual mouse-i-ness....

kids, if you send me a buck for the envelope, i'll send you a *free* modest 
mouse sticker.  if you send me two bucks for the envelope, i'll send you two 
*free* modest mouse stickers.  oh and if you want, you can ask for a *free* 
764 hero sticker too.  
some of you will be receiving you stickers in the mail very soon (a couple of 
days).  anyone who wants some can email me.  i have plenty to go around.  
happiness is a sticker ( or two ) on the back window of your car.  

bye bye kiddies.  
"where the sun shines like a kick in the teeth"

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