Mr. Phil-
I can kinda see how you'd get the impression that I wanted the teenaged girls to 
shoegaze or behave or whatever, but NO! That's not what I meant. I'm all for dancing 
(in fact, towards the end of the show this freakazoid emo kid pushed his way through 
the crowd, stood next to me and I swear did not stop moving until the end of the last 
song. He made my night, redeemed it, so to speak. Even though he reeked of coconut oil 
and bad body odor, he cracked me up, and so.... what was my point?) Oh. I like when 
people dance, I don't really do it much myself, but I have no problem with others 
expressing themselves physically. I know it's a drag to be dancing next to a girl like 
me who prefers to sometimes just close my eyes and listen, but I in no way look down 
upon anyone who's doing their own thing. My negative trip with the particular girls I 
was posting about came from their SQUEALING, etc. and not dancing, but BOUNCING 
RETARDEDLY. Aw fuck it, who cares. They were lame, you'd unders!
tand had you been there. I just feel compelled to repeat: Modest Mouse is not N'Sync. 
Let's be clear on this. If you like the guys in the band soooooo much why not try to 
talk to them after the show, etc. Let's be real about this - hero worship is just 
plain yucky.

The end. (No dictionary required.)

As for you Mr. Leonard - because this is a public list, I'll not proffer further 
comment on the tall foxy loud girl, except to say that she did the same thing at a 
secret Beastie Boys show last year, and almost fell out of her shirt. One can only be 
amused by such antics (though, really, the only difference between her and the teenie 
girls discussed prior is that she's finer.) Again, misplaced hero worship is for 

Lync rocks, 'nkay?

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