In a message dated Mon, 18 Oct 1999  1:48:57 PM Eastern Daylight Time, jackie 0 

> > I wasn't going to even, but now I have to....
> > 
> > WHAT IS GOOD ABOUT MOGWAI? I've have tried to like them several times, but I think 
>> they are SO boring. And I usually LIKE boring noise complimented by quiet stuff, 
>but > they're just...yucky. Ugh...
> 1- Why have you "tried" to like them?  Do you feel that yr status as a
> hipster kid up on the latest indie ticket requires to to "try" and like
> all those bands yr "supposed" to?  Have you, similarly, "tried" to like
> Merzbow, the Boredoms, Neutral Milk Hotel, and Godspeed You Black
> Emperor!?  Why should anyone ever "try" and like music?  If you like it,
> you like it, if you don't, you don't, and who cares anyway?

Wow, that was hostile...I have 'tried' to like them because 2 or 3 of my firends, who 
listen to most of the same music I do, like them and play them all the time and 
whether I want to or not, I am exposed to Mogwai. So maybe 'tried' is the wrong word. 
I "approached Mogwai with a positive attitude". On several listenes. And I just cringe.

> what to tell you... maybe Mogwai isn't the band for you.  How about
> wasting yr time talking about the bands you DO like rather than asking
> why you don't "get" a band yr "supposed" to?

Oh, I don't know...just trying to fit in with all you other 'hipsters'...
obviously, I've offended Mogwai fans. oops...


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