Russ is my hero.  I nominate him for Emperorship over the list.


-----Original Message-----
From: Russ Sweetser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Saturday, October 23, 1999 11:59 AM
Subject: Re: [MMouse]: Re: Digest modestmouse.v001.n522

>fuck you.
>and i say this only because you dont make the rules around here. so dont
>think that you do. i used to be like you, all pissy and shit whenever
>anyone posted non mouse content,, i could have cared less about Os
>Mutantes or Mercury Rev.. but then i realized that theres a DELETE key
>on my keyboard and hitting it would resolve all problems. its people
>like YOU who made the FCC come in and censor radio and TV because "you
>didnt want to change the channel". we will continue to do whatever we
>want regardless of how much you think it sucks.
>> Is there a list moderator?
>> Everyone's just talking shite here.
>> I don't want to hear about Fight Club or any other fucking movie. What is
>> about your egos that makes you publicize your opinions on a music mailing
>> list? Can't you just e-mail the particular person directly without having
>> subject everyone on this list to your "look at me, I'm special, this is
>> I think, and everyone into Modest Mouse is interested in my brilliant
>> One liners, in their length and depth, should only be directed to a
>> versus the list (i.e. Natalie to Arash). (And, no, peoples's nicknames
>> their penises should not be mentioned unless it's something like
>> There is no need to fill the gap of not receiving mail about MM. This
isn't a
>> magazine and we don't need filler.
>> Hey, you! Start up that Onelist with only MM stuff 'cause whoever created
>> this list apparently has left it to die.

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