In a message dated 10/26/99 12:11:16 PM Central Daylight Time, 

<< Its our president, our government, that caused, and continues to 
 these attrocaties.

Exascerbate?  nice word...who the hell uses that in daily speech?

 It isn't enough to say, "I didn't vote for him," or "I was to young to vote
 for him" because that trivializes the thousands of Iraquis who gave up their
 lives for a lie.  People don't seem to be outraged anymore..its like the
 government has done so many terrible things that when they do something else
 its lie.."well thats government".  How can someone possibly say that? I just
 dont say that "it was just government" when the CIA was
 funneling crack into ghettos to try to enslave an entire generation of black
 people, how can the entire country not be outraged by that?  How is that
 something that huge doesn't even make the back pages of the New York Times?
 How can we stand by while our government drops more munitions in six months

I'm not gonna repost the whole thing cause it's too damn long..but listen 
here..when you ask "how can we stand by?" here's your answer...for every 
person that gets overly involved in the nature of our government's business 
(ie: you) there are thousands of people who are too ignorant to know they 
exist (ie: mass public) and there thousands of people (ie: me) that are 
apathetic cause they are tired of hearing about it from people like you and 
realize the cold harsh truth that no matter how much you say you are gonna do 
about it, it won't be enough.  I am by no means claiming you should be a 
pathetic spineless follower in life.  There are plenty of smaller issues in 
life that you have a say in.  However, when it comes to big government, it is 
what it is.  People have been saying for years if you want something done 
about the government get off your ass and do something about, but you know 
what?  Where the hell has it gotten them?  And you tell me if government has 
improved significantly in the last half a decade.  Sure there are always 
gonna be social changes and mini-social revolutions..thats just society.  
However, what goes on behind government deals that may or may not please you 
will never change.  Live with it and don't get so wound up about three kings. 
 It's a won't change anything.  Besides , there are plenty of more 
important things to be thinking about that you can actually do something 

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