> We are a culture obsessed with what's on the outside,
> not what's on the inside.  I've been told that there
> was a time when people fell in love with each others'
> minds before their bodies.  I struggle to believe it.

here comes the but...
it would be a lie to say that looks dont matter.  because they do.
desmond morris would tell you it does.  he would also tell you that it
isnt necessarily fat vs. thin, but has more to do with waist-to-hip
ratio, for both men and women. (although w/h ratio is jeopardized by fat
sometimes)  for example marilyn monroe and kate moss have entirely
different body types, but they have the same waist-to-hip ratio-hence
their beauty in the eyes of oh so many men.

besides, what do judge the average person on the street by if it isn't
their looks?

                sweetness follows.

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