I think there's got to be less sex among the so-called indie community than
any other.  I've been to shows with tons of good-looking people, none of
whom are able to make eye contact with each other because of a proscribed
indie misanthropy which seems to preclude good locked-eye flirtation.  The
jocks and thugs and sorority girls have this one down, but the rest of us
are eyes-ahead introverts.  Something should be done about this, I just
don't know what.

And DJ Shadow, Entroducing and Massive Attack, mezzanine are the two best
make out cds I have.

any word from anyone on the future of any ex-bedhead members?  that was
hands down one of my favorite bands and I keep looking for side projects.
does anyone know?

I like pedro the lion, but the dead-ahead christianity of the lyrics spook
me a little and i have no trouble believing this homophobia thing.  I'd
probably steer clear, I have to say.


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