> and, i first noticed commercials before movies about a year and a half ago in
> the la-la area of la, ca.  it's incredibly annoying, especially since the
> theater i usually go to (amc - dig those crazy student discounts!) plays the
> same three to five commercials. 

i actually like the commercials too. it was weird and i first noticed
them at an AMC too. i'll share the hate i have of Burbank AMC lately,
the one i go to the most over there, the stupid lady last week didnt
like my Student ID didnt have a semester sticker on it! i had to pay 8
bucks! good thing it was for Milla! woo! :) although it should have been
5.25? or something? yeah. and tonight i saw the new James Bond... umm...
yeeeeaah. :)

[EMAIL PROTECTED] = one of the best aol names i've ever seen serious.

oh and the stereolab/olivia tremor control shows were really good this
weekend, night one OTC wasnt so great but the 2nd night really were
good, and stereolab was just really damn good, really all the time, and
its funny walking by their tourbus seeing a little kid running around in
it thinking to myself "thats tim and laetitias kid probably" and then
seeing the drummer and bassist play some playstation inside... 

he's in love with neil hannon, Daniel

if i could be who you wanted...

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