I don't read too many contemporary novels only because
I am usually too immersed in music periodicals. 
However, I've read every Coupland book since his
first, and I've been more and more disappointed with
each subsequent publishing.  I couldn't even finish
Girlfriend in a Coma because it was becoming so trite
and predictable, in my opinion.  The only other
contemporary author that I've latched onto is David
Foster Wallace, upon the recommendation of a friend. 
I've read all of his books, and although his
meta-speak gets a bit verbose at times, I really enjoy
his wry sense of humor and character development. 
However, once again, his most recent work (Brief
Interviews with Hideous Men) left me a bit
disappointed in places, and just uninterested in
others.  I've considered reading some Pynchon or
DeLillo, as they are most often compared to Wallace in
reviews, and some have suggested Neal Stephenson to me
as well, but I just can't decide what it is that I'm
looking for in a good book to begin with.  I think
High Fidelity sounds interesting to me, but I'm
holding out for a used copy.  Based on what you've
just read, do you have any suggestions, Mouseketeers?

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